Guests' Reviews 2013 - S/Y Velos


Guest Book 2013
(on S/Y Velos with captain Thanos and hostess Alicia)

Lefkas – Piraeus, 29 September 2013
Thanos and Alicia,

What a pleasure to see you both again and complete a trilogy of voyages in 6 years – Ionian – Aegean (2 weeks) – and now the very interesting voyage via the Gulf of Corinth. Relaxing and entertaining as always.

Best wishes,
Ian E. (UK)

Lefkas – Piraeus, 29 September 2013
Alicia and Tnanos,

Thank you! A rich experience, sailing, Greek culture, food, wonderful people.
Coming from New Zealand / Australia with (for those with an English past) such a short history for us, always extraordinary to experience such a long culture and history.

Hope to see you again and all good wishes to you both!
Phillip M. (Australia)

Lefkas – Piraeus, 29 September 2013
Thanos and Alicia,

Great hosts, great food, great country, great time – who could ask for more?!

Many thanks and best wishes,
Janet and Neil (UK)

P.S. Yes only 10 lbs heavier!

Lefkas – Piraeus, 29 September 2013
Thanos and Alicia,

Great all round and the weather obliged too! Loved the tiny villages and the variety of our trip. Could come back for more and more.

Thanks very much and best wishes,
Denise C. (South Africa)

Piraeus, 14 October 2013
Mili Gospodarze,

Zgodnie z obietnicą daną rok temu; wróciliśmy, choć w trochę innym składzie, czyli Kasia ze Zbyszkiem, Basia ze Zbyszkiem,Basia D, Leszek D. Przeżyliśmy dużo wrażeń, zobaczyliśmy niezwykłe wyspy, żeglowaliśmy we wspaniałej atmosferze i przy pięknej pogodzie. Jedzenie było tak wspaniałe,że aż szkoda było je jeść. W skrócie tak wyglądała nasza cudowna przygoda, przeżyta wspólnie z niezwykłymi ludźmi; Alicją i Thanosem.

My, czyli:
Jurek i Alina Dz.
Kasia i Zbyszek M.
Barbara D.
Leszek D.
Barbara i Zbyszek D.

Lefkada, 22 September 2013
Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you both for an experience beyond all our expectations…
It has been such a pleasure to be in your company – what a privilege this whole week has been for us to learn about Greece, sailing, how to cook in a tiny space and mastering the perfect flush! (Can’t wait for the cook book!)

Good luck in life and sailing until we (hopefully) meet again on Velos… with the amazing Mermaid and her Pirate!

Judith and Roger
Pauline and Kevin
Jane and Steve

Lefkada, 15 September 2013
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

If you like summer…
-> come to Greece!
If you like the sea…
-> come to Lefkada!
If you like sailing…
-> come to Velos!
If you enjoy good food…
-> come to Alicia!
If you search the best captain…
-> come to Thanos!

That are Thanastic and Alicious Vacations!!!
Thank you for this trip with you! We enjoyed every moment on Velos!
Hope to see you soon again!!!

Elisabeth + Rudi
Kerstin + Tom
Heidi + Sasha
Bianca + Patrick
(Austria & Germany)

Λευκαδα, 8 Αugust 2013

Ευχαριστώ πολύ για όλα! Περάσαμε τέλεια!
Ελπίζουμε να σας δούμε πάλι πολύ σύντομα!!!

Vergelts Gott fur ois! Es war vui geil! Pfiat eich, bis boid!!

Vielen Dank fur Speis und Thank! Es war wunderschon! Auf ein baldieges Wiedersehen!!

Muchas gracias por la comida y la bebida! Todo ha sido precioso! Espero que nos veamos pronto z hasta luego!!

Jesus, Anne, Karin, Olga, Tim, Agieliki, Thomas (Austria, Germany, Spain)

Lefkas, 1 September 2013

We’ve had a wonderful week sailing
It started with our toilet training
Two Brits and six Poles sharing the yacht all week
Two different languages but never a problem to speak
With sunshine and vino and friends who were great fun
The only thing left to say is ‘Thanos…when again can we come?’

Corrina and Robin (UK)

Lefkas, 1 September 2013

Chyba Neptun w naszym Gdańsku
Kazał sprawdzić ANKO stronę
I zamówić piękny Velos
Na wakacje wymarzone.

Choć bagaże nam przepadły
Bo Lufthansa dała ciała
Dodatkowa noc w Atenach
Wnet przy winie nam zleciała.

Potem było tylko lepiej
Wyspy, słońce, fale morskie
I dyskusje aż do rana
Skąd sie wzięła nazwa ‘Jońskie’.

Wystarczyło pięć butelek
Przy oliwek cudnej woni
I juz Grzegorz nam wyjaśnił
Co oznacza słowo ‘Yoni’

Grecja skrywa wiele skarbów
Których strzeże wciąż policja
Lecz największy skarb jest z Polski
A na imię ma Alicja!

Między kuchnią a kotwicą
wciąż roztacza swoje czary
Nawet Wonderland wysiada
Przy syrenie takiej miary!

Alicja zasługuje na gwiazdkę Michelina
W morzu jest szybsza od crazy delfina
Thanos jest spokojny jak mongolski step
Lecz gdy trzeba walnie windsurfera w łeb.

Jolka biustonosz sobie przyspawała
Chłopcy więc wołali – ściągaj gacie mała
Monika pływała codzień na golasa
Rekiny uznały, że ma cycki klasa.

Grzegorz nie pije, trzeźwy jak świnia
Pewnie donosi – kawał sukinsyna
My wierzymy, że wróci kiedyś na dobrą drogę
Wypije, beknie, wyrzyga i rzeknie – kurwa, już nie mogę!

Szybko minął tydzień cudny
Wiele wspomnień będzie dla nas
Wszyscy też zapamniętamy
By przy wódce mowić ‘Jamas’!

Jola i Krzysztof F.
Jola i Darek R.
Grzegorz i Monika

Lefkas, 25 August 2013

Six Polaks, one Yank one Brit....

Ouzo in the morning, ouzo in the afternoon,
Ouzo in the evening and ouzo at night.

Barbarians, animals and werepigs drinking water

Only the British put cucumber in their drinks,
But it was really ‘not bad’!

Wine in the morning, wine in the afternoon,
wine in the evening and wine at night.

The fish were biting and the wasps were drinking.
Our Polak chef cooked perfect Greek food!

Captain Thanos sailed the fair Velos across the seas.
And worried about his toilets…

Beer in the morning, beer in the afternoon,
beer in the evening and beer at night!

Paul and Charlotte B. (UK)

Lefkas, 25 August 2013

Nastał sierpień, czas swobody
Ciągnie ludzi w świat przygody
Szóstka z Polski się zebrała
I na Velos przyjechała.
Wiola, Wiesia, Mirka, Jarek
Bogdan, Robert to kwiat cały
Brać żeglarska z Polski całej
Pełna chęci doskonałej.
Szampan strzelił na dzień dobry
Zapowiedział tym rejs dobry
Thanos troską nas otaczał
Nowe cele wciąż wyznaczał
To Kapitan pierwsza klasa
Żaden sztorm go nie rozprasza
I pokazał, co potrafi
Gdy się nie dał Scorpios mafii
Dla Alicji prosta sprawa
Grecki obiad to zabawa
Podniebienia to podnieta
Teraz czeka długa dieta.
Pływał z nami Paul wspaniały
Do zabawy doskonały.
I Charlotta dała radę
Wytrzymała eskapadę.
Co tu gadać, co tu kryć
Z tymi ludźmi cudnie być!

Podziękowania od serca i... żołądka!
Wioletta i Jarek O. (byliśmy po raz trzeci, jak zwykle byliście wspaniali)
Mirka i Boguś M.
Wiesia i Robert G.

Lefkas, 17 August 2013
Thanos and Alicja,

Thank you so much for a wonderful week! It was our first time as a family in Greece’s Islands. And thanks to you, it was magical! Together, the two of you made this trip so much fun!

The swimming holes were gorgeous, the water so clear! Though the water is salty, the sea became the best part of our day! The ports were adorable and loads of fun, and the variety of lifestyles and citystyles was amazing.

Thank you for being so hospitable with 5 children around, we know they are a lot to handle but you both were so patient and kind with them.
The food was amazing and it’s hard to cook for 9 different preferences, especially picky ones, but every day Alicia, you wowed us with your cooking!

We hope you know how wonderful you both are and how fantastic of a team you make.

Thank you for making our week fun, safe and beautiful, we hope to be back soon!
The B. Family; Andy, Jen, Katie, Megan and Jack (USA)

Lefkas, 17 August 2013
Thanos and Alicia,

We can’t tell you how much fun our families had sailing with you for the past week. The ports were wonderful, the swimming anchorages were scenic, the food was extraordinary and your hospitality made it comfortable for all of us.

All of us have learned much about the Ionian Islands and the art of sailing. We also learned how to escape from the ‘couples sailing knot’ which will be valuable information for all of us to have in the future.

While we recognize that having five children on your boat at one time can create certain organizational challenges, you both showed a level of calm and patience that their parents rarely have. This was a truly special week. We all wish you fair winds and calm seas.

We hope to sail with you again soon.
The O’Brien Family: Peter, Cheryl, Olivia and Will (USA)

P.S. This is Olivia, I wanted to say goodbye as we are leaving so early. Bye! Thanks, it was great!! I’ll come back soon, hopefully!

Lefkas, 13 August 2013
We came to spend a week with a special couple who have become Special Friends!

Tricia and John W. (UK)

Lefkas, 14 July 2013

The Velos again! Same warm embracing welcome from Thanos and Alicia! Same glorious sunshine! Same wonderful blue sea and warm waters! Same fantastic cuisine! You can’t improve on perfection!
Thank you Thanos and Alicia for making this another wonderful week, even with two little girls who have their own ideas about what to do.

Ce n’est qu’un au revoir!
Andrew, Catherine, Emilie, Natalie, Christopher, John and Monique (France & UK)

P.S. Thank you again for a wonderful stay! I promise to bring you Valentina again on ‘her’ boat as soon as I can, as she remembers you very fondly.

Lefkas, 7 July 2013
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

Nikki says; ‘I don’t know if it was the great food, the great experience, our wonderful cabin mates or all the sailing lessons I got, but I will surely be missing all of this and more. Thanks Thanos and Alicia for being the best hosts ever and sorry for keeping the toilet seat up ;-)

Thanks for a brilliant trip, I didn’t know what to expect but it was one of the best experiences ever! You have managed to make this experience perfect and it is surely something that I will never forget. And I will be looking forward to Alicia’s recipe book!

Lots of love,
Michelle and Nikki V. (Malta)

Lefkas, 7 July 2013
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you for being part of a week we will never forget! We did the ‘Ring-thing’ after 9 years, couldn’t have done it without the help of you two!
Velos is a good oiled machine with en exceptional captain and amazing cook. We loved the pace of the sailing, relaxing, swimming, EATING :-) .....
It’s sailing holiday craftsmanship!

Steven and Valerie V.G. (Belgium)

Lefkas, 7 July 2013
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you for not only another fabulous holiday, but for also restoring our souls.
Thankfully no Italians assassinated this time! ;-)

All our love, always our friends,
Philippa and Ru (Scotland)

P.S: Ruairidh: Thanks for the amazing trip this week. I absolutely LOVED it.
The total number of fish that we caught was 10!!!

Lefkas, 30 June 2013
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

What a wonderful week! It’s been an Aubergine Experience (not forgetting the Courgettes!!!). Our hosts have been a mixture of Action Woman and Captain Sensible. The sailing has been fantastic, getting to almost 10 knots!! 4 out of 5 first time sailors, thoroughly enjoyed it and none of us were seasick!

We would love to come back but are worried for our safety after Alicia’s close encounter with the Russian Mafia armed with a courgette and marigolds (to take care of the finger prints)! (Scorpios Island).

Lunch was superb EVERY day and something to look forward to all morning. The wind made for some great sideways sailing! Perfect week! Thank you very much for making it an unforgettable experience.

We will definitely be back! – if you haven’t swam to Thailand that is, Alicia!
The B. Family; Natalie, Scott, Frank, Jamie, Lisa (Yorkshire/ Manchester, England)

Lefkas, 22 June 2013

A popular movie quote on London is ‘London: bad food, worse weather, Mary F***ing Poppins, London’.
Our version for this trip in the Ionian Islands is: ‘Ionian Islands: great food (our compliments to Alicia), better weather (sadly there wasn’t wind every day as we loved sailing; especially me driving), Velos F***ing sailing (our compliments to Thanos).’

Thanks for an excellent experience. Keep us on your mailing list for future destinations (if you buy an Argentine flag for the mast).
Jimena and Leonardo (Argentinians Living in London)

Lefkas, 22 June 2013

Thanks for a great trip! We really loved being on your beautiful boat with Mike and Amy and Leonard and Jimena. Beautiful Ionian Sea, islands and ports. Maybe the best was Alicia’s cooking! If you find my mask let me know!

We really greatly appreciate all of your efforts in making this such a great vacation. Please keep us on your mailing list and let us know when you head to Micronesia.

All the best,
John, Melissa, John and Joseph S. (USA)

Lefkas, 22 June 2013
Thanos and Alicia ,

Thank you so much for allowing us this opportunity to share the Ionian Seas with you on your beautiful yacht. Amy and I enjoyed our time with you and will remember this trip and your country for many years to come. Maybe one day we will be able to sail with you again and enjoy Alicia’s wonderful cooking. Please add us to your mailing list when your cookbook comes out.

Thank you again and happy travels.
Mike and Amy M. (Thornton, Colorado, USA)

Piraeus – Corinthian Canal - Lefkas, 15 June 2013
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

We can’t thank you enough for your warmth and good humor during this past week. We all have fallen in love with Greece, with sailing, with the food, and even the cold crystal clear sea! We all loved Alicia’s fabulous lunches and enjoyed each one. We would all be hard pressed to pick a favorite one!

If asked which stop or which day was a favorite – I would have to say all of them! This goes for all us – which is rare when you go on vacation with 3 teenage/young adults to make them all happy – this week was a first!

We look forward to coming back next year! Until then, stay safe and happy sailing! All the best,
Jane, August, Grant, Elliot, Josh and Christina E. (USA)

P.S. Thanos, we bought some of my sun charts and left a pie for you on your camera! Thanks for a great trip!
Josh and Christine

Pireus, 9 June 2013

Chcieliśmy wspólnie podziękować za cudowny rejs, pełen przygód, doskonałej kuchni Alicji, wspólnych wieczorów, ekstremalnych wrażeń. Kapitanie Thanosie, dziękujemy za spokój i opanowanie podczas żeglugi. Alicjo, jesteś słoneczkiem na łódce, tworzysz cudowną atmosferę, którą wspominać będziemy jeszcze przez wiele, wiele lat!!!

Jolanta i Paweł B.
Iwona i Darek Z.
Edyta i Aleksander K.
Brygida i Pawel L.

Piraeus, 1 June 2013
Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you so much for such an incredible week. We had so much fun especially the food and the sailing and some rough waters.
We look forward to coming back for the next adventure. Good luck for the future!

Lauren and Rick, London, UK

Piraeus, 1 June 2013
Thank you so much Alicia and Thanos,

We have had the best holiday ever! You have been caring and wonderful hosts. Alicia, you are a ‘super cook’.
We will definitely love to be your guests again. Some great photos are coming your way. Maybe you will come to see us in Cornwall. Sorry to say goodbye.

Lots of love (for now)
Vicky and Mark xxx (UK)

Piraeus, 1 June 2013
Alicia and Thanos,

Thank you both so much for making our sailing trip so memorable. So many stand out moments, but particularly Alicia’s food - (that we will attempt to recreate!), and Thanos keeping us safe during some choppy water!

The week has more than exceeded our expectations and we return home with lots of fantastic memories. Thank you for sharing your beautiful boat with us, and your generosity of knowledge of Greece, Pina Coladas and spear fishing!!

We’ll be back!
Louise and Phil (London, England)

Piraeus, 25 May 2013
Thank you very much!! Alicia, Thanos, Rania and Alexander!!! For this fabulous trip….

Dilip had long being thinking of such a trip while I had not even dreamt about it. Looks like it is going to be our best trip ever…
Apart from the beautiful islands is your hospitality… That makes all the difference, doesn’t it?

Alicia’s delicious food, Thanos guidance and his knowledge made this vacation wonderful and safe in spite of the rough waves at times.
Would definitely love to join you back as soon as possible…
Wishing you a wonderful future ahead and love you all!!!

God Bless You!!!
Poonam and Dilip P. (India)

Piraeus, 25 May 2013
Alicia, Thanos, Rania and Alexander – Thank you!

We have been eagerly awaiting our sailing adventure since we first heard about it nearly a year ago. Our expectations were exceeded again and again. We never thought it would be so much fun learning about the Aegean Islands, sailing and hearing all of your stories.

Thank you all for the generous hospitality, training us how to sail and continuously filling our tummies with your delicious meals!
You keep the boat in immaculate condition and it was a pleasure to share your passion of the sea.

We will be sure to tell everyone we know about ANKO and I’m sure we will be back :)
Lauren and Matthew B. (Gold Coast, Australia)

Piraeus, 25 May 2013
Thank you Alicja, Thanos, Rania and Alexander,

For your generous hospitality over this amazing journey with you, we loved every moment and are sad to kick you off the yacht and take it with us when we go.
There should be a nice room at the port for you! ;-)
The food was sensational, Alicja, we enjoyed all your company and your great knowledge of the Greek Islands. Great to make new friends on board, Matt, Lauren, Dillip and Poonam.

Hopefully we will return the yacht to you soon!
Nancy and Grahame A. (Torquay, Australia)

P.S. We will tell everyone we meet, how exceptional this journey was with you all. Waiting to see your ‘Cruising Greek Islands Cook Book’!

Piraeus, 25 May 2013
Alicia, Thanos, Rania and Alexander,

Kala Mari! (Says Mark)
We wish we didn’t have to go, but our paths will cross again, no doubt. Everyone back home will be so jealous when we share with them our experience on Velos – the wonderful food, the lovely seascape, and the warm hospitality.

Thanos, the kind and patient skipper, and Alicia, the gracious hostess and tour guide – you have made our first trip to the Greek Islands fantastic!! We will be back! (But no shots next time) ;-)
Sandy J. (New Orleans, LA, USA)

Piraeus, 25 May 2013

From where I come from, we have a saying: ‘Those are Good People’.
Being called ‘Good People’ was a high compliment. It meant you were warm, kind, treated others very well. Thanos, Alicia, Rania and Alexander are ‘Very Good People’.

Calamari, Now, we dance!
Mark J. (New Orleans, LA, USA)

Piraeus, 21 April – 5 May 2013
Alicjo i Thanassis,

Jesteśmy z Wami już drugi raz i mam szczerą nadzieję, że nie ostatni. Tak jak w ubiegłym rejsie pokazaliście nam urok tego przepięknego kraju, dobrego jedzenia i bardzo przyjaznych ludzi.

Dzięki profesjonalizmowi Thanassisa całe dwa tygodnie czuliśmy się bardzo bezpiecznie w każdej sytuacji.
Alicjo – dzięki Twoim zdolnościom kulinarnym czuliśmy się i jedliśmy ‘jak u mamy’.

Jeszcze raz bardzo Wam dziękujemy i życzymy sukcesów na przyszłość i realizacji planów.
Katarzyna, Damian i Oskar M.
Ania, Adam, Jagoda i Szymon N.
Dawid F.

Piraeus, 14 April 2013

Thank you for the fair winds and following seas this week. It was truly an amazing trip. I hope to see you both on the high seas again one day.

CDR Bryan B. (USN, Virginia, USA)

Piraeus, 14 April 2013

BEST. VACATION. EVER!!! Thank you for a great week at sea – you are both truly amazing people :)

Mike B. (USA)

Piraeus, 14 April 2013

This was an amazing spring break! Thank you for the food, the ride and the fun. I had a great time! I’ll miss the boat. :)

Lauren (USA, Italy)

Piraeus, 14 April 2013

I loved going to see the islands and this was a really good way to see them! I love the boat and the food was really good, this was my favourite vacation so far, thank you for making it so good :)

Leah B. (USA)

Piraeus, 14 April 2013

What an amazing vacation! Perfect introduction to Greece and to sailing. Even our day of rough seas helped us all appreciate Poseidon a little more. Thank you for making my birthday at sea extra-special. :)

I am certain we all gained 10 pounds with all of the amazing meals and snacks and wine and cocktails, but every pound was worth it!

Alicia, we will be waiting for your cookbook to be released! :)

Thank you, thank you, thank you for the perfect week!!!
Bryan, Tracy, Brandon and Alex B. (USA)

Piraeus, 14 April 2013
Dearest Thanos and Alicia,

It is with much sadness that we leave you after a fabulous week! You both provide a safe and comforting environment at sea. It was very reassuring for me as a first time sailor. I so appreciate Thanos with his precise, disciplined personality that will always set an example of taking the utmost care of his ship and us!
For our Magic Fairy, Alicia – your meals and glowing personality will always be remembered.

The combination of you both made for the most wonderful vacation! We love Velos but it would not be the same without the two of you. I cannot think of a better way to be introduced to the beauty of the Greek Islands.

Thank you so very much for a truly unique experience!
Wendy B. (currently Naples, Italy via N. Carolina, USA)


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Contact info
ANKO YACHTING Ltd. ZAIMI 52, RIO 26 504, GREECE Thanos & Alicia Christopoulos
(0030) 6936 797 680