Guests' Reviews 2011 - S/Y Velos


Guest Book 2011
(on S/Y Velos with captain Thanos and hostess Alicia)

Nafplion, 16 October 2011
Dear Alicia and Thanos,

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for a wonderful trip through the Argo-Saronic Islands. We had a fantastic trip! This was our first time in Greece and our first time living aboard a sail boat.

The first day from Athens to Aegina was force 6 and 7 winds. Two of us got sea sick and wondered what we got ourselves into! But afterwards the sailing was smooth and the days were pretty. We were glad we made it through the first day!

Alicia’s cooking is so wonderful, we have to call it out separately. So delicious! While some of out restaurant experiences were less than perfect, her cooking was always a welcome and balanced surprise. It was a highlight of the trip.

Thank you for hosting us on your boat and providing a local touch to every place we went. We loved this trip, and if you ever made it to the States, please let us host you.

Joe S., Anna K., Marina K., Seattle and Chicago (USA)

Nafplio, 16 October 2011
Thanos and Alicia,
It was a wonderful adventure. 7 days seemed too short. You have a fantastic country with many beautiful towns and islands. I deeply enjoyed every minute in each of the bays and every chance to put on flippers.
Alicia, your cooking was my biggest delight. The meals you prepared for us were much more than expected and we truly enjoyed being spoiled with the deserts.
Thanos, thank you for showing us a bit about sailing, it was truly a blessed adventure.
We wish you the best and thank you for sharing your boat and time with us.
Much love,
Angel and Eric (USA)

Nafplion, Domingo, 16 de octobre 2011
Thanos and Alicia,

A sido una experiencia unica, el compartir esta semana abordo de su vote, cada dia y cada parade antes del destino fue genial, el profecionalismo en como desarrollan cada pasa fue sinceramente exquicito para placer nuestro. Les deseo una exitosa vida.
Ilena de aventura, y metas, y nunca los olvidare.

Omar H. (Mexico)

Nafplion, 16 October 2011
Dear Thanos & Alicia

You are such gracious and gentle people – the finest kind of hosts. You made our week aboard the beautiful yacht Velos a true dream come true!
We enjoyed every aspect of the trip. Sightseeing and shopping to the various islands; swimming by day in the warm waters of the Mediterranean. To top it all off was Alicia’s amazing meals. Thank you so very much for a wonderous journey.

With love,
Karen M. and Omar H. (Los Angeles-US and Mexico)

Pireus, 9 pazdziernika 2011
Thanos I Alicjo!

Bylo bardzo fajnie, jestescie bardzo, ale to bardzomili. Tak taktownych osob nie spotyka sie czesto. Poniewaz bylo fajnie wrocimy tu juz za rok. Zyczymy Wam zdrowia oraz szczescia w Waszej pracy oraz zyciu.

Mirek i Agnieszka (Poland)

Pireus, 9 pazdziernika 2011

Nasz pierwszy i od razu fantastyczny rejs po greckich wodach. Stala zaloga (A&T) przemila, a co wazniejsze dysponuja gleboka wiedza o morzu.
Zarcie extra.

Jacek i Jola (Poland)

P.S. Sztorm przezylam majac pewnosc, ze wplyniemy do portu – to dzieki profesjonalizmowi Thanosa i Alicji.
Podziekowania od Jacka i Basi

Pireus, 9 pazdziernika 2011
Drodzy Alicjo i Thanosie,

Bylismy z Wami drugi raz i na pewno nie ostatni. Rejs inny, ale rownie interesujacy (nowe wyspy). Wspaniala pogoda, jak to w Grecji, ale najwazniejsze to Wy...
Jestescie niezwykli, serdeczni, cierpliwi i przyjacielscy. Jestesmy dumni, ze mozemy sie uwazac za Waszych przyjaciol.
Alicjo, jestes mistrzynia kuchni iplywackim.
Thanos,jestes kapitanem, ktoremu zaufamy nawet na oceanie.

Wioleta i Jarek O. (Poland)

Piraeus, 2 October 2011

Thanos and Alicia,
It was a fairytale which looks like beautiful journey to the world of unique places with its smells… smell of Alicia’s fantastic dishes and Thanos’ choice of virgin places… Believe us! It could be like this!!! Many thanks!

Dimochka and Anechka (Belarus)
Mischa and Vikulya (Ukraine)
Willy and Marieschka (Poland)

P.S. To be continued...

Lefkada, 25 September 2011
Thanos and Alicia,

Many thanks for the vacation of a lifetime. My family has been blessed by your hospitality and your excellent sailing experience. We have all created lasting memories in this week.
Hope to see you again soon. Blessings to you both!
Margaret J., Texas (USA)

Thank you Thanos and Alicia for an excellent sampling of the beauty of the Ionian Islands and the wonderful Greek Culture!
Scott J., Texas (USA)

Thanos and Alicia,
Thank you for your wonderful hospitality. I’ve experienced many great things this past week and your kindness and generosity are the main things.
I wish you much success and happiness in the future.
Willie C., Texas (Usa)

Lefkada, 17 September 2011

What a great week! The Velos and Thanos and Alicia: Exceeded my highest expectations. The food, the sailing, the insight into Greek culture and the Ionian Islands was all above and beyond expected normal travel hosts. You treated us as friends and family. Thank you!!!
The week was the best travel experience I have had. Joanne and I will always remember this week!!

Dale and Joanne H. (USA)

Lefkada, 17 September 2011

We sailed the seas on Velos
The weather made all other jealous,

Thanos charted course and we always arrived safely,
While we drank 6 liters of wine daily,

Alicia cooked great food that was heavenly
We now all weigh much more heavily,

To land we now return, though despondently,
But we take many memories to treasure fondly.

Kent and Linda S. (USA)

Lefkada, 11 September 2011
Thanos, Alicja (on Velos) and Henrick, Tilemachos (on Alexandros)

Thank you very much for your hospitality, delicious food and fine dining!
Fantastic trip – we will be back!

Mel, Nick, Dave, Susan, Roz, Kate, Evan, Becca (New Zealand & Australia)

Lefkada, 11 September 2011
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

What a wonderful time! You two are just an amazing combination, showing off such a magnificent part of the world with such professionalism and charm.
We truly enjoyed our time with you and look forward to future adventures

Beth and Dwight (Ontario, Canada)

Lefkada, 11 September 2011
Dear Alicia and Thanos,

You made my dream come true, exploring the Greek Islands on a sail boat with the best skipper. The delicious food and swimming shows from Alicia were an extra special treat. You are the best!!

Muchos gracias
Your Spanish friend, Ester (Canada)

Lefkada, 11 September 2011

Oh, Alicia and Thanos, what a spectacular holiday you have given all of us. This holiday exceeded my expectations! You are both an absolute joy to be with!

Thank you.
Heather (Canada)

Lefkada, 11 September 2011

It was one of the most relaxing and enjoyable vacations we have ever had. Your attention to detail and planning made our time carefree. We hope to be back in 2013 for the Aegean Sea.
Thank you so much and lots of luck in the future.
Noel and Diana H. (Canada)

Lefkada, 11 September 2011
Alicia and Thanos:

Thank you so much for providing us with a ‘Greek Experience’ – it was truly amazing and completely exceeded our expectations! Looking forward to seeing you in 2013! Again, thanks so much, Good luck in your future journeys!

Pat and Barry C. (Newcastle, Ontario, Canada)

Lefkada, 4 September 2011

Utterly fabulous week!
Derdre and Greg S. (Australia)
Gorgeous Greece, lovely hosts, fabulous VELOS, wonderful food!!!
Thank you so much for a great week. It has been such a pleasure to spend it with you both.
George and Wendy (Gold Coast, Australia)

Lefkada, 28 August 2011
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you again for our 2nd wonderful trip on Velos. There were lots of memorable moments such as watching the goats on the ledge, our trip ashore in the dinghy for dinner – followed by a wet trip back to the boat and the moonlight flit as the wind rose and the boat rocked!!
A visit to the cave was fantastic until the arrival of 400 tourists. However the highlight again was dinner under the stars cooked by Alicia.

Virginia and Guy
Marisa and Nino
Bobbi and Michael
Lisa and Alan

Lefkada, 21 August 2011

Thank you Thanos and Alicja for showing us such an amazing time sailing… so perfect for our honeymoon! Certainly memories we will never forget… wonderful hospitality, the beautiful boat Velos, island touring insight, and delicious food. We have loved every moment of this trip and have made new friends along the way. Thank you for sharing that with us. We are so happy… life is so wonderful…
You two are a great team!

Karina and Aaron (Seatle, Washington, USA)
P.S. Please send us a cookbook for your recipes.

Lefkada, 21 August 2011

We could not have thought up a more amazing way of experiencing Greece if we tried. THANK YOU ALICIA & THANOS SO MUCH for the most incredible holiday! The weather, the sailing, the food (double amazing), the advice and the company. And the boat!! ALL PERFECT!
Much better than what we ever could have hoped for. Please continue what you are doing, and we will be back!

Thank you – efharisto – again!
Emma (Australia) and Chris (Norway)

Lefkada, 21 August 2011
Dear Alicja and Thanos,

Thank you so much for a wonderful week of sailing through the amazing Ionian Islands. Your hospitality, helpfulness and especially lunches was absolutely first class. This has been a fantastic week that we will never forget. We are looking forward to more sailing in Australia, Greece and beyond.
Thanks again for an amazing week. We are already making plans for a return trip!

All the very best,
Matt and Jess (Newcastle, Australia)

Lefkada, 21 sierpnia 2011

Pierwszy raz pod zaglami I na pewno nie ostatni. Idealna mieszanka zeglowania, plywania i degustacji wspanialych potraw Alicji. Ulubione zdanie mojej zony: ‘Lunch is ready’.
Alicja i Thanassis tworza zabawna i uzupelniajaca sie pare, dodaja kolorytu do wakacji :) Bedziemy ich cieplo wspominac i na pewno sie jeszcze zobaczymy!

Ania i Jacek (Poland)

Lefkada, 13 August 2011

.... Σαν βγείς στον πηγαιμό για την Ιθάκη,
να εύχεσαι να είναι μακρύς ο δρόμος σου....

Θα 'θελα να ήταν μακρύτερος ο δρόμος
περισσότερος ο χρόνος, όταν τελειώνει το ταξίδι μας
νοιώθω θλίψη, σας αγαπάω πολύ Θάνο και Αλίτσια
μαζί σας περνάω υπέροχα, η παρέα είναι
πάντα τέλεια, ελπίζω να είμαι πάλι εδώ
τον επόμενο χρόνο.

Ευχαριστώ για όλα,
Αγγελική Σ. (Greece)

Lefkada, 13 Agosto 2011
Cari Thanos e Alicia,

Ci avete regalato las vacanzas de voleramo, avete una Barca bellissima e con la vostra professionalita ci avete fatto passare sette giorni piacevoli. Complimenti alla cuoca! Complimenti allo skipper per i suoi ormeggi!
Ci dispiace non esser riusciti a comunicare di piu con voi ma aucte con gli altti ospiti per la nostra scarsa conoscenza dell’inglese.
Grazie di cuore!
Lorenzo e Silvia (da Firenze, Italia)

Lefkada, 14 August 2011
Dear Alicja and Thanos,

Thank you so much for sharing your home. You are a wonderful couple, with warm and loving hosting of your guests; as well as fantastic sailors. You have fulfilled one of my dreams.... to sail the Ionian Sea. I will always have the fondest thoughts and memories of sailing at 10Kn, Thanos’ very efficient docking during the harbour wars, Alicja’s gourmet feasts, the wonderful swimming and snorkeling.
And finally a worm thanks for the great guests – my dear friend Suzanne, new friend ‘smoking fish’ Angela, our Lefkada Beach drivers from Italy... Lorenzo and Silvia; and marathon - dinghy swimmer Jacek, rescuing his lovely wife Ania.

You are the hosts with the mosts!
Lots of warm thoughts to you both.
Milvi E. (Toronto, Canada)

Lefkada, 14 August 2011
Dear Alicia and Thanos,

The boat, the cooking, the places, the captain and co-captain... perfection.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have a holiday I will always remember. Same as Milvi – including ‘smoking fish’ and ‘harbour wars’

Suzanne G. (USA)

Lefkada, 7 July 2011
Dear Alicia and Thanos,

Another fantastic week of adventures; we really loved the long sails at the beginning of the week, taking the dinghy to a taverna on a deserted beach, seeing an eel and an octopus (!), collecting shells and stones (Archie) and of course the fantastic lunches on this beautiful boat!

Thank you again and happy sailing for the rest of the season
Alison, Hayden, Josh, George, Archie... and pandas! (UK)

Lefkada, 31 July 2011
Dear Alicia and Thanos,

Thank you for a wonderful trip! This has to be the best way to experience Greece. Our trip to Athens left us wondering if Greece was really a great place, but now we love Greece thanks to you!
Alicia you are a fantastic cook :)
Thanos an excellent sailor and captain.
If you ever come to Canada and want to see Edmonton, you can come stay with us. Just give us a call.

Have a great rest of the summer!
Kristine and Jarret :) (Canada)

Lefkada, 31 July 2011
Κουμπαράκια μας καλά!!

Όταν μετά από μέρες διαβάσετε τις γραμμές αυτές, ήδη θα ανυπομονούμε να ξανασυναντηθούμε. Είτε για λίγες ώρες στην Πάτρα για να προλάβουμε να οργανώσουμε κανα ταξιδάκι ή για ένα δείπνο σε κανα ταβερνάκι!
Κάθε φορά πάντως περιμένουμε αυτό το ταξίδι που είναι γεμάτο γαλήνη, ήλιο, καλή παρέα όμως πάνω απ' όλα.
Τι να πούμε για το ταξίδι, τα έχουν πει τόσοι φιλοξενούμενοι στις προηγούμενες σελίδες. Ένα μπορούμε όμως να πούμε...
Όταν υπάρχει αγάπη... όταν κάνεις κάτι με αγάπη τότε το αποτέλεσμα είναι ΦΑΝΤΑΣΤΙΚΟ!!!

Σας ευχαριστούμε μέσα από την καρδιά μας,
Στέφανος - Κωνσταντίνα (Greece)


Sami, 27 July 2011

Σας ευχαριστούμε πάρα πάρα πολύ. Για την ευκαιρία που μας δώσατε έστω και γι' αυτές τις 4 ημέρες. Η φιλοξενία σας, το χαμόγελο σας μας έχει σκλαβώσει. Η θάλασσα μας αγκάλιασε με όλη της την αγάπη όπως εσείς.
Να ζήσετε μια ζωή ευτυχισμένη και απέραντα όμορφη όπως η θάλασσα, να έχετε υγεία και γάργαρο γέλιο όπως τα νερά της και αν το επιθυμείτε να κάνετε και ευτυχισμένα κάποια παιδιά αλλά!! Τα δικά σας παιδάκια!
Σίγουρα θα είναι όπως τα σκάφη σας, ο Αλέξανδρος και το Βέλος....

Σας ευχαριστούμε,
Αντιγόνη και Χαρά (Greece)
Υ.Γ. Να ξέρετε ότι μου προσφέρατε κάτι που μόνο στα όνειρα μου θα μπορούσε να πραγματοποιηθεί! Ευχαριστώ για όλα, Χαρά

Lefkada, 24 July 2011

Wow, what can I say? We’ve had the most amazing week and it is one we will never forget. Thank you Alicia and Thanos! We’ve made wonderful friends and we look forward to the next time we can sail with you.

Lots of love!
Andrew, Ginger, Stefan, Kristian (USA)

Lefkada, 24 July 2011

We had an incredible week of new experiences. Alicia made lunch an unforgettable experience and Thanos is a first rate captain. The islands are all beautiful and you took us to wonderful places.

Jan and Craig P. (USA)

Lefkada, 24 July 2011

Dear Alicja and Thanos,
How do we put the week into words? Great company another beautiful boat, amazing food, stunning scenery and the world’s most amazing swim buddy. And that’s without sailing!!

Thank you for your care, fun and friendship.
Love, Philippa, Mark and Ru (Edinburgh, UK)

Thank you. I really enjoyed the trip. My favorite was when I was pushing the dinghy and at the same time assassinating Italians.
Love, Ru :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Lefkada, 17 July 2011
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you for such an amazing week – it’s gone so quickly – we all wish we could wind the clock back 7 days and start again!

With fondest love
Ali and Ross xxxx
Ditto!!! – love + hugs Tricia and John xxxx

Lefkada, 10 July 2011
Alicja & Thanos,

Now, even after two weeks, that were absolutely amazing, we will miss you both. Thank you for showing us the most beautiful Ionian Islands. Every day was a great adventure. With each day, each island, each swim - each lunch - each meal, we were so impressed.

It is obvious that with Thanos - your knowledge of sailing, Alicja - your talent as a cook and swimmer, that your talents make for an exceptional team! We especially appreciated getting to know you both and for sharing your lives with us. You both made this trip such a pleasure; each smile, each laugh, every instruction you gave us was with such kindness and patience, especially since so few of us had any sailing experience.

I know that for some the length of our experience was a bit pressing, but for me, it could have easily had another week – at least with you, and done more sailing.
Perhaps, sometime in the future, Vere and I or others may be able to again join you for another sail. I so enjoyed the lulling gentle sail of the boat and the feel of the wind upon my face, I know I as well as others will remember this trip for the rest of our lives.

Best of luck Alicja on completing your cookbook. Please send us an email when it is finished so we can get a copy. The food was so exceptional, and of course, we will remember your swimming and pulling us along in the dinghy.

This trip – if we may copy Thanos – was most unusual!
Blessings on you both for giving us such a fantastic experience. We will keep in touch.
Thank you a thousand times!
Lita & Vere, Eliza & Hank, Joann & Mike and Daffin & Nancy

Lefkada, 10 July 2011
Thanos & Alicia,

Thank you for a most amazing experience! We had a super, stellar, /fabulous/ time with you both on board the Velos for two weeks in the Ionian (June 26 - July 10, 2011). It was all that I dreamed it would be, and I dream big!
Thanos, I especially appreciate your patience with my endless questions over the months as I organized this trip for our group of eight. You took the time to explain everything to me, and offered lots of helpful tips about our time before and after the sail.
Alicia, of course your cooking was as spectacular as the testimonials said it would be, but your sunny disposition and Wonder Woman superpowers really added something special. (And the pina coladas were a nice touch!)

You both worked hard to subtly but effectively tailor the trip to us, making sure everyone had a wonderful time -- down to seeing that Vere and I always had tzatziki and Nancy never ran out of ice!

I could go on at length about what a marvelous time I had, but suffice it say that it is my fondest hope to earn Anko's "fifth sail free" trip! One down, three to go...

If someone were considering a sail with you, here is what I would tell them...

Read the website thoroughly. Especially read the blog (not from our trip) that is linked here httpss://ourioniancruise.blogspot.com/2010/09/our-ionian-cruise-on-velos.html

Email Thanos if you have any questions.

If it sounds good, go for it! Just do it. Trust that it will be great, because it will. Anko truly delivers what they promise. The boat is beautiful and comfortable, Alicia and Thanos are charming, fun, and considerate hosts, not to mention highly skilled sailors. When arriving in a harbor, we consistently felt a bit smug about the superiority of our yacht and crew!
The food Alicia made was by far the best we had on the trip. They took us to historic harbors, remote ports and interesting coves, and pointed out fun things to do on land. It was the trip of a lifetime for our group, and if it sounds good to you, I don't doubt you'll love it as much as we did. Do it!

Once you decide to go... Listen to Thanos' advice! He really knows Greece, especially the areas he sails, and he knows how to make your holiday great. Read to FAQs on the website. Don't over pack. Bring only casual clothes -- aqua socks are a help, as is your own snorkeling mask. Don't fret too much about seasickness -- we had a few folks prone to it, and they did fine.
Once there... Use the toilets according to the directions. 'Nuff said. Recognize that Alicia's superpowers (I'll let you discover what they are!) are renewed by the sea. She must swim a couple of times a day to execute all those amazing feats.
Don't forget the sunscreen, and take lots of pictures to document what will likely be the trip of a lifetime!
Thanos and Alicia, I simply can't adequately express what a wonderful time I had, and how much I appreciate all your work and kindness. I hope to sail with you again soon!

All the best,
Eliza McBryde
(Portland, Oregon, USA)

Lefkada, 26 czerwca 2011

Te wakacje pozostana w naszej pamieci do konca zycia. Dziekujemy Wam za przemila atmosfere i wspaniale chwile razem spedzone. Zapraszamy na Mazury i do Elku.

Ewa i Waldek (Poland)

Lefkada, 26 czerwca 2011
Kapitanie Thanos i Alicjo z Krainy Smakow!

Podpisujemy sie pod wszystkim, co tu zapisano... Wasz kunszt zeglarski i kulinarny – bezcenny!!! I niedoscigniony. Dziekujemy za piekne chwile zeglarskich emocji, ‘poezje’ dla podniebienia i wyjatkowy urok tych wakacji, ktory nam stworzyliscie. Do zobaczenia na morzu...

Jola i Piotr z Torunia (Poland_

Lefkada, 26 czerwca 2011
Kochani Alicjo i Thanosie – nasi przyjaciele!!!

Po wspolnie spedzonym tygodniu tak o Was myslimy. To byly wspaniale wakacje, takie, ktore pozostana w pamieci. Bo rozmywaja sie wspomnienia o roznych wielogwiazdlowych hotelach – wszystkie byly podobne. ‘Velos’ i Wy to byly piekne greckie wakacje – no i niesamowicie smaczne.

Marysia i Wiesiek z Torunia (Poland)

Lefkada, 26 czerwca 2011

Wspaniale wakacje, coz wiecej mozna dodac, ktore spedzilismy dzieki Wam. Mozna Wam tylko pogratulowac tak wspanialej pasji. Po raz pierwszy nie tak wazne bylo miejsce, atrakcje, pogoda, ale osoby. Stworzyliscie wspanialy klimat, ktory na dlugo zapamietamy.

Serdecznie zapraszamy do Torunia!
Kasia i Artur (Poland)

Piraeus, 5 June 2011
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

We truly enjoyed our cruise in the Greek Isles with you. We felt more like pampered guests than clients! Thank you for making it all so special and comfortable for us. Thank you too for celebrating our wedding anniversary with us. Our ship mates were delightful, and Captain and First Mate - Co Captain first class!! Everything was perfect! We hope to see you again on another sailing adventure!
Janey and John Ch. (FL, USA)

Piraeus, 5 June 2011
Θανάση και Αλίτσια

Σας ευχαριστούμε θερμά για άλλη μια αξέχαστη διαδρομή. Περάσαμε πολύ όμορφα λόγω των καλών επιλογών των προορισμών μας, του υπέροχου φαγητού αλλά και ειδικά της καλής παρέας. Σας συμπαθούμε πολύ αλλά και σας θαυμάζουμε.

Καλό καλοκαίρι του 2011!
Meg & Γιώργος

Piraeus, 5 Giogno 2011
Cari Thanos e Alicja,

Vi ringraziamo tantissimo per questa esperienca a vela nelle isole del Golfo di Saronicco. Siamo stati veramente bene a la compagnia era veramente grandiose! Penso che prima o poi ritorneremo…
Un ringraciamento special va a Alicja per la cucina ‘delicious’! Non aspetto attro che l’uscita del suo libro. Un ringraciamento speciale va anche a Thanos, che con la sua patienza e saggerre, ci na guidati alla scoperta di queste isole mercicigliose.

A presto
Natalia and Milo from Toscana, Italia (but living in Paris, France)

Pireus, 5 Czerwca 2011
Kochani Alicjo I Thanosie!

Dzieki Wam spedzaja sie nasze marzenia sprzed wielu (trzydziestu!) lat. Jednak choc rzadko sie to zdarza, rzeczywistosc przerosla marzenie!
Przecudne krajobrazy, bogactwo natury, niebianska kuchnia Alicji – to wszystko pozwala nam przyblizyc sie wszystkimi zmyslami Grecji. Ogladamy ten piekny swiat z bliska, z dala od tlumow turystow. Zadne slowa nie oddadza w pelni naszego zachwytu, radosci, wdziecznosci. Wakacje na Waszej lozi daly nam najczystszy relaks, oddzielenie od czasu I rzeczywistosci.

Alicjo – Twoja grecka kuchnia to najwyzszy kunszt. Przyblizylas nam smaki, zapachy przepysznej kuchni Grecji.
Thanosie – ogromne opanowanie, profesjonalizm, najczystsz, wielki urok osobisty, dawaly nam poczucie bezpieczenstwa I pozwalaly zaznac morskiej przygody.
Mozna by tak pisac I pisac w nieskonczonosc I nigdy nie wyczerpac tematu :)
Zakochalismy sie w Grecji I bedziemy tu wracac. Was polubilismy bardzo I juz tesknimy do nastepnego rejsu!

Beata I Piotr Z. (Poland)

Piraeus, 29 May 2011
Thanos and Alicja,

Thank you so much for such an extraordinary vacation. I had an amazing time each and every day... and every day was better than the last, just kept getting better and better! I have such a nice memory of each island we visited – from Aegina both our first and last night, to the little day trip islands snorkeling around, to Platanos on Poros, then hiking around Vathy and picking our own fish dinner – yummy, and Dancing!

To Hydra and seeing Poseidon and all the donkeys, and I honestly could go on and on. Now I can’t imagine finishing off my semester in Greece any other way. This was absolutely perfect. Chasing dolphins was hands down the coolest thing ever!

Julie Ch. (USA)

Piraeus, 29 May 2011
Thanos and Alicia,

This was a fantastic way to end my semester in Greece. I didn’t think it was possible to love this country more but this week has proven me wrong. I had so much fun snorkeling, eating amazing lunches, chasing dolphins, and sleeping in the most beautiful port cities imaginable! Thank you so much for this unforgettable experience!

Kolby S. (USA)

Piraeus, 29 May 2011
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

You are a perfect host couple, your happy Karma is contagious. Your interactions are playful, appreciative and humorous! Your suggestions for island walks, dinner, wine – all special and gave us authentic Greek restaurants off the beaten paths.

Adopting your gourmet lunches to my many food allergies along with Nick vegetarianism, I had never had better, more delicious and varied dishes! Really never needed dinners out!
Snorkeling and picturesque bays for relaxing were delightful. Cabins are beautiful and airy, the dark rich wood so lovely.

I can’t put words to how well you adapt to us and make us feel special and part of every day’s fun!

Please come visit us!
Steve & Marcy S. (Ithaca, New York, USA)

Piraeus, 28 May 2011

Start out with a sparkling clean 56’ vessel, warm Saronic days, and crystal clear bay water. Add one very particular professional Captain, and one swimmingly wonderful gourmet chef. Then stir. Add to the mixture some cheery British entertainment, 2 delightful American students abroad, and a stodgy old couple just along for the ride. Shake and mix well.
Enjoy slowly.

Nik T. (Plymouth, UK)

Piraeus, 3 May 2011
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you for a fantastic week! Our entire family had such a nice, relaxing vacation. I’m sure we all gained weight on your delicious meals. Thank you especially for fixing the special meals for my daughter and your patience with our children. The itinerary was perfect for us with lots of hiking, swimming (cold water!) and shopping.

We hope to come back for another trip soon!
Steve, Catherine and Hannah (Florida, USA)

Piraeus, 3 May 2011
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

We had a wonderful week of sailing. We enjoyed great food and great company
Sand M.

The view from the monastery on Hydra was amazing! I enjoyed the ouzo and tsipouro. Lunch was the best! Thanks for letting me drive the boat, especially the last day when we went really fast!!
Lex M.

My favorite thing was the snorkeling, the hike to the monastery and going over big waves and getting sprayed with the water!
Chase M.

All the lunches were delicious – especially the Macaroni and cheese! Thank you for the wonderful spring break, even though I had to study.
Love Cassie M.

My favorite part was swimming and rowing. My favorite part about swimming is screaming!
Sean M.

The M. Family (Theodore, AL, USA)

Piraeus, 24 April 2011
Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you for an amazing week of cruising the Islands of the Saronic Gulf. Your hospitality and insight to the islands as well as the Greek culture has made each place come alive with vibrancy. We can’t wait to brag about this adventure and recommend you to our friends. Many thanks.

Kyle, Melynda and Avery H. (USA)

P.S. Can’t wait for the cookbook :)

Piraeus, 24 April 2011

This was a trip of a lifetime and a dream fulfilled!! Thank you for making it all amazing. The hospitality and food was awesome.

Many thanks!
Keith, Paige, Bridge and Jadyn (USA)

Piraeus, 24 April 2011
Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Your hospitality, knowledge and kindness has made this trip such an amazing experience! Please let us know when the cookbook is ready because we want to buy the 1st copy! Thank you so much!

Take care,
Mickey and Kimmey (USA)

Piraeus, 24 April 2011
Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you for an awesome week! I wish it could have been longer! The food was great but the water was COLD!

Jadyn (USA)


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ANKO YACHTING Ltd. ZAIMI 52, RIO 26 504, GREECE Thanos & Alicia Christopoulos
(0030) 6936 797 680