Guests' Reviews 2010 - S/Y Velos


Guest Book 2010
(on S/Y Velos with captain Thanos and hostess Alicia)

Nafplio, 24 October 2010
Dear Alicja and Thanos,

We are so very glad that we were able to add an additional week to our Greek adventure so we could take advantage of your wonderful cruise. What a week it has been!
You wined and dined us, brought us to beautiful islands and we saw so much more than we could on our own.
Alicia, you are a wonderful hostess and chef. Thanos, you are a fabulous captain and take special care of your boat and passengers. We couldn’t have asked for more!

Love from Bonnie and Robert P. (California, USA)

Nafplio, 24 October 2010
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

This cruise around the islands has been on my ‘to do’ list for ever and I’m so glad I was able to fulfil the wish on the Velos. Everything was close to perfect – even the weather cooperated. You are a very welcoming couple – it was great to share your home on the Mediterranean for a short while (and so nice to meet two of your Polish relatives too!).
I hope you have lots of happy cruises on your lovely boat and I get to share another one (or two) in the future.

Richard (on the move – UK, US, Australia)

Nafplion, 25 October 2010

Skończyliśmy przepiękny rejs z Alicją i Thanassisem na Velos. Tak, płynęliśmy szczęśliwi i roześmiani od jednego bajecznego miejsca do drugiego! Nasza mała grupka, szczęśliwa, międzynarodowa siódemka! Bonnie i Robert z Kaliforni, (starsza para – ale dopiero 3 lata po ślubie), Richard, też z USA, ale właściwie pochodzi z Belfastu i pół roku podróżuje sam po świecie. My, to znaczy Krysia z Polski, ja tez Polka, ale z Niemiec.

Nasza podróż była harmonijna, a towarzystwo doborowe: okraszana wesołymi powiedzonkami Roberta i jego szczerym, amerykańskim śmiechem. Bonnie, cichutka, o brązowych, ładnych oczach, miła Amerykanka. Richard kochający wiatr i w swym kapeluszu panamskim, stojący na dziobie, robił zdjęcia każdego, przepięknego miejsca. Az wreszcie wiatr strącił mu ten kapelusz do morskiej toni! Tyle szczęśliwych, słonecznych wspomnień…

Pogodę mieliśmy nie tylko w duszach naszych, ale i na co dzień. Pływałyśmy za Alicją w pięknych zatoczkach, malowniczych, zaczarowanych, jak w bajce miejscach, w głębokim i czystym morzu. Krysia z maską oglądała życie podwodne. Richard skakał z łódki na bombę, a Krysia uczyła się skoków na główkę pod instrukcją Alicji. Ale najpierw było śniadanko przepyszne: miód, dżemy Alicji: ze śliwek powidła, dżem z fig, do tego mesli, jogurt, a jaka kawa i chlebek! A nasze codziennie inne, smakowite obiady, spożywane na zewnątrz z winkiem i nie tylko. Paluszki lizać.

Tak smacznych i lekkich potraw z rybami, jarzynami i przyprawami nigdzie i nikt nie potrafi lepiej przyrządzać. I to czasem w biegu, potrzeba postawić lub zmienić żagle, do czego Alicja była potrzebna. No bo ani para ‘młodych’ (68 i 72 lata przyp. aut.) z Kalifornii, ani Richard rodem z Belfastu, który odbył swoją pierwszą podroż na jachcie, ani ja, nie potrafimy. Za to Krysia sternik oraz żeglarz wód Pojezierza Mazurskiego, była pomocna i wiedziała, co do czego służy!

Oj, jak pięknie było – to sami wiecie, jeśli lubicie pływać na pełnych żaglach na morzu. Niezapomniane porty, porciki i zatoczki, zawsze inne w tych dobrych i pięknych miejscach w kochanej Grecji. Delfiny płynęły i wyskakiwały w powietrze razem z nami. A my szczęliwi, że zaszczyciły nas swoją obecnością. Dziękujemy Wam kochani, za wszystkie minuty, godziny, dnie, tego szczęliwego czasu spędzonego na ślicznej łódce VELOS! Zyczymy Wam udanych rejsów, pomyślnych wiatrów i miłych załogantów na przyszłość

Lucyna (Poland)

Nafplio, 25 October 2010
Kochani Alicjo i Thanassis,

Dziękuję za czas spędzony z Wami w pięknej scenerii, na pięknym jachcie z żaglami rozpiętymi na wietrze, w kraju z przyjaznymi ludźmi. To balsam na moją duszę. Życzę Wam wielu takich szczęśliwych rejsów.

Krysia (Poland)

Piraeus, 15 October 2010
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

We could not have chosen a more perfect place to celebrate our 25th anniversary with our daughters. Your warmth and welcoming ways made this a very special trip. Smooth sailing (well, mostly) and fabulous food (always) and beautiful, beautiful islands. Thank you so much, we will never forget this trip.

Dorothy (the mum)

Thank you so much for such a fabulous two weeks – you are both so good at what you do (especially Alicja in the kitchen!).
Thanks again!
Alexandra (one of the daughters, the older)

Thank you SOOO much! I had so much fun! You guys rock :) Mackenzie D. - (the baby)
P.S. May we bring Alicia home with us??:)

Thank you a billion times. I had a great time. You guys are awesome at your jobs.
Alicja beyond amazing work, in such a small space. How do you do it?
Thanos, great job in keeping us safe and bringing us to great islands. Thank you again. Don’t know a better way to see Greece!
Jana (one of the daughters, the middle)

Thanos, who teaches sailing by example, and Alicja who teaches cooking by letting us eat well.
Thank you,
Jon-Jo (the father) (Canada)

We are the Canadians!!!

Piraeus, 2 October 2010

Kolejny, wspaniały rejs. Tym razem z Lefkady, przez Kanał Koryncki do Pireusu. Dla porządku:
Denise oraz Jimmy – USA
Elena i Huan – Portugalia
Dorota oraz Jurek – Polska

Na maszcie cztery flagi, bo jeszcze grecka. Itaka stała się naszym wybawieniem (schronieniem w trakcie sztormu). A Huan – zabawieniem (nieplanowana kąpiel w porcie Egina). Jachty z izraelską załogą kotwiczyły bez kotwicy. A my, mając profesjonalną załogę mogliśmy się śmiać z innych. Ostatni nocleg na Alexandrosie i chyba moje pożegnanie z tym jachtem.

Tomek (Poland)

Piraeus, 2 October 2010
Thanos and Alicia,

It was the trip of a lifetime with each day, each meal, each island getting better and better. You have created such a warm and welcoming environment too, just with your passion and generally in sharing yourselves and your home. I hope to return with my daughter so she too can experience this beauty.

Denise (USA)

Lefkada, 19 September 2010
Thanos i Alicja (zwana Rybką)

Jesteśmy kolejny raz pod Waszymi bezpiecznymi żaglami. Delektując się cudownymi, Greckimi Wyspami, rozsianymi po Morzu Jońskim…
Ze szczyptą kuchni śródziemnomorskiej, wymieszaną ze słowiańską fantazją…
Dziunia i Jarek – Żywiec

Żeglowaliśmy jak Odyseusz: z Lefkady na Meganisi, Itakę, Kastos. Skąpani w słońcu, w pianie morskiej (a czasem w winie) podziwialiśmy piękno tych wyspiarskich terenów. Ale po raz kolejny największe wrażenie zrobił na nas Kapitan Thanos, ze swoim cudownym spokojem człowieka (z doświadczeniem wilka morskiego) oraz Alicja, Syrenka – kobieta pływająca, żeglująca, gotująca i organizująca czas załodze.

Wy najlepiej wiecie, jak jesteśmy zadowoleni i zachwyceni Wami i Waszym pięknym nowym JACHTEM!
Do następnego lata… Roma i Maciej Gorgoń – Żywiec

To ja, Słoneczko i moja Luba. Dużo gadam, ale słabo piszę. Czasami trudno wyrazić uczucia. Jesteśmy zauroczeni. Jesteście najlepsi. Możecie być pewni, że wrócimy!
Będziecie zadowoleni ;)
Kasia i Marek E.

Choć byliśmy nowicjuszami na tym rejsie, od pierwszej chwili czuliśmy się wspaniale, jak w rodzinie. Cudowny uśmiech Alicji, cudowne opanowanie i poczucie bezpieczeństwa, emanujące od Thanosa, piękna pogoda, błękit morza i lazur nieba sprawiają, ze cały rok będziemy tęsknić do następnego spotkania.
Bardzo dziękujemy
Basia i Staszek


Lefkas, 12 September 2010

Wow! What a week, Thanos and Alicja what stars (how can the lunches get better). The second time was even better than the first, we look forward to the third trip.

Thank you again, love and kisses,
Hilari and Steve (UK)

Lefkas, 12 September 2010

Thank you so much Thanos and Alicja. We have again had a wonderful time. We will look forward to returning in 2012. It was lovely to meet your ‘best man and best lady’ who were great company and educated us in how to order and eat Greek food properly!

Best wishes,
Kate and Jim (UK)

Lefkas, 12 September 2010
Θανάση και Αλίτσια,

Σας ευχαριστούμε για μια ακόμα αξέχαστη εβδομάδα, αυτή τη φορά με το καινούργιο σας σκάφος, το 'Βέλος'. Σίγουρα το επαναλάβουμε και του χρόνου.

Στέφανος και Κωνσταντίνα (Greece)

Lefkas, 5 September 2010

An absolutely unimaginably wonderful time! Captain Thanos and Alicja were terrific hosts, the sailing and views and activities filled our days in the very best of ways. Captain Thanos is a superbly skilled skipper and Alicja’s meals were always gourmet treats. We hope very much to return one day.

Tony and Sue F. (USA)

Lefkas, 29 August 2010

We had the time of our lives. This was our second time with captain Thanos and Alicja. Lots of sailing and gourmet cooking. Best ship to sail in the Greek Islands.

Peter and Michele J. (USA)

Lefkas, 29 August 2010
Drodzy Alicjo i Thanosie,

Wasza serdeczność, profesjonalizm, niezwykła gościnność były najważniejsze podczas tego rejsu. Stworzyliście taką atmosfere, ze nasze międzynarodowe towarzystwo (Peter i Michele – USA, Tony i Sue – Anglia, Kasia i Damian – PL, Agieliki – Grecja), polubiło się, zgrało i wygląda na to, ze będziemy za sobą tęsknic.
Alicjo, jesteś mistrzynią świata w pokazaniu nam kuchni greckiej, światowej, Twoje dania przewyższały te z tawern. Podziwiamy Twoje umiejętności pływackie! Piękno greckich wysp dorównywało atmosferze rejsu.
Thanosie, jesteś profesjonalistą w każdym calu. No i najważniejsze: ‘Wodę pija tylko zwierzęta’! (Water for animals only ;))

Z pewnością powtórzymy ta przygodę z Wami Świetnie nam się mieszkało w waszym pięknym, szybkim i wygodnym jachcie. Ten rejs był przygoda życia.

Wioleta i Jarek z Mrągowa (Poland)

Lefkas, 29 August 2010

Dzięki Waszym słodkim uśmiechom, cudownej kuchni i bajkowym widokom, byliśmy w RAJU!

Kasia i Damian (Poland)

Lefkas, 29 August 2010

Το σκαφάκι υπέροχο, οι οικοδεσπότες ικανοί και φιλόξενοι, το Ιόνιο αξεπέραστο. Ευχαριστούμε τον καλύτερο καπετάνιο , το Θανάση, την αξέχαστη Αλίσια. Μια εβδομάδα που μπορείς να θυμάσαι για πάντα.

Αγγελική Σ. (Greece)

Lefkas, 22 August 2010
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you so much for a beautiful week. Now that we are back at Lefkas, we realise how peaceful and relaxing every day has been; Setting our each morning on calm seas and having a few hours to snorkel and swim before one of Alicia’s amazing lunches!
The boys will of course always remember sailing the boat – thank you for your patience and generosity!

We hope to be back (with or without pandas!).
Hayden, Alison, Josh, Jake, George and Archie (UK)

Lefkas, 15 August 2010
Dear Alicia & Thanos

Thank you for sharing your beautiful new boat Velos with us. It’s fantastic!! We’ve enjoyed everything, the sailing was exhilarating, the hospitality generous and Alicia’s food was definitely the best we had on our trip. We are pleased we came during the ‘fig season’. Lots of laughs by one and all, especially over the quiz – very competitive – but the GIRLS won!
We definitely hope to come back and seethe Saronic Islands.

Thank you once again from us all,
Virginia & Guy xx (UK) Mike & Bobbi xx (UK)

Lefkas, 15 August 2010

A wonderful experience and total relaxation – the only decision is which wonderful bay to anchor in followed by which delicious dish to try.

Thank you for your hospitality,
Lisa and Alan W. (UK)

Lefkas, 15 August 2010

It has been a wonderful recommendation from friends who previously sailed with you. Nino has invented a new form of exercise – NOODLING – he noodled around Scorpios even stopping to chat with the guards! We look forward to sailing again around the Aegean.

Thank you for your hard work to give us a memorable holiday.
Marisa & Nino R. (UK)

Lefkas, 8 August 2010
Dearest Thanos & Alicia,

Thank you for everything! You are two of the most generous and caring people we’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. We are all so sad to be leaving tomorrow.
Thanks to you we had one of the most amazing weddings ever! We had such a great time and all thanks to your hard work.
Alicia – your cooking is simply amazing – I don’t know how you do it in such a small kitchen.
Thanos – your patience and humor and knowledge has definitely made the week more enjoyable for everyone.
We will send you some photos when you get home and hopefully we will be back to see you soon. If you are ever in Australia please come and visit.

Lots of love,
Bernadette and Dave (Australia)

Lefkas, 8 August 2010

Thanks for putting in the extra effort to make the week extra special. Had an amazing time.

Paula (Australia)

Lefkas, 1 August 2010
Dear Alicia and Thanos,

Well, what can we say, other than thank you for such an amazing holiday! The Ionian Islands are very beautiful and sailing with you was a perfect way to see all the beautiful bays and sites, etc. The trip down to ancient Olympia was great. The whole voyage was beyond our expectations – just amazing.

Thank you both for bringing the whole trip to life with stories and your knowledge of the islands, etc. The sailing was great and your food Alicia was delicious and all out of a small kitchen!

Thanks again for making such an amazing holiday that just can’t be expressed by words.
Rod, Kim, James, Philip and Emma B. (UK)

Lefkas, 11 July 2010
Dear Alicia and Thanos,

Many thanks for a wonderful week’s holiday. Everyday has been memorable – enchanting bays to swim in and interesting villages to visit during the evenings. Every moment has been enjoyable!
Thank you so much for your very kind hospitability and delicious food, wine and tentura!! Hope to see you again soon!

Louise, Keith, Robert, Sam, Thomas, Laura xxx (UK)

Lefkas, 4 July 2010
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

This trip has been one of the most amazing ones we’ve ever had! Thanks for your patience, hospitality, your good tips… and the excellent food!
Everything was DE – ALICIA – OUS!! We hope to welcome you one day in Barcelona.

Montse and Jordi (from Catalonia, Spain)
PS. Thanks for letting Jordi learn to sail with your boat!

Lefkas, 4 July 2010
Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you for an AMAZING week sailing around the Ionian Islands. The views were breath-taking, the waters were refreshing, the people were so welcoming, and the food was delicious. You all were fabulous hosts.
We hope to see you again one day!

Ashley and Dusty D. (Texas, USA)

Lefkas, 4 July 2010
Dear Thanos and Alicja,

We have had a wonderful week. It has been so relaxing, fun, enjoyable and interesting. Thank you for being patient with novice sailors, providing lots of good tips for making the most of our overnight stays, and being so friendly throughout.

We will come back again but are keen to swap photos etc. in the meantime.
Kath, Symon, Liz S. (Sydney, Australia)

*** You can read Symon's description of their cruise in his blog (at httpss://ourioniancruise.blogspot.com/2010/09/our-ionian-cruise-on-velos.html ) ***

Lefkas, 26 czerwca 2010

(Pireus – Lefkas, 20 – 26 czerwca: najgorsza pogoda od 1923 roku! Sztormy, burze, 20-m fale, zimno, pochmurnie!!!

PS1. Cukinia is number one!
PS2. Cukinia jest dobra na wszystko!!! )

Alicjo i Thanosie!!!
Wielkie dzięki za wspaniałą przygodę. 15 h w sztormie, burzy, deszczu i chłodzie całkowicie zbiło nas z tropu. Na szczęście słońce i pogoda dopisała przy końcu pobytu :)
Alicjo – Twoja kuchnia to mistrzostwo świata. Żadna grecka tawerna nie dorównuje Twojemu kulinarnemu talentowi.
Wasza gościnność i dobro, które z Was bije, jest bardzo ujmujące. Dzięki za Rejs. Miło na będzie tu powrócić!!!!

Iwona i Darek
Jola i Paweł
Emila i Maciek
Barbara i Henryk

(Radziechowy / Żywiec / Bielsko–Biała)

PS3. Najlepszy tekst wyprawy: ‘A kto prowadzi jacht??? – Wypowiedziane przez lansera z Ogrodowej)

PS4. Alicjo – jakby, co, to ja inwestuje w restauracje i będziemy bogaci!!!

Piraeus, 20 June 2010
Alicia and Thanos,

Many thanks for a wonderful first experience in sailing. We had many laughs, great food and wonderful sites to see. Alicia you will always be part of the ‘Yamas Girls Club’. We will have to have a reunion in the near future. Safe sailing and all the best in the future.

Your Canadian friends Debbie and Ian (Beer Man) H. (Canada)

Piraeus, 20 June 2010
Thanos and Alicia,

We will fondly remember these hot Grecian days in your company on your wonderful vessel. You made our week one of pure pleasure with your anticipation of our needs to swim, to drink beer, to be naked in the outdoors. Thank you for your goodness of nature and your stories.

Sail safely,
Lynn & Ken (Canada)

Piraeus, 20 June 2010
Dear Thanos & Alicia,

Our second sailing holiday with you was special with our Canadian friends onboard. The days were like no other with laughter and the joy of new experiences.
Many thanks to Alicia for the day she pulled in 3 of our weary travelers. Thanos you are such a gentleman and tell incredible stories. We leave full and satisfied. Please make the cookbook Alicia and take good care of each other.

Best Wishes,
Maria & Gord (Canada)

Piraeus, 13 June 2010
Dear Alicia and Thanos,

Thanks so much for an amazing week, been so lucky to be on such a beautiful boat... The beaches and swimming was great!
All the best,

Alicja i Thanos!
Wielkie dzięki za super wakacje, jedne z najlepszych w moim życiu! Już tęsknię za Wami, za łódką , za jedzeniem i za Grecją ! Wszystkiego naj... i do zobaczenia za kilka sezonów! Gdybyście potrzebowali przewodnika po Gdańsku/ Londynie, piszcie!
Do zobaczenia,
Magda P. (Poland)

An amazing time we had on this beautiful boat. The food was amazing also – Thanos you are a very lucky man. Thank you so much for taking us to all the beautiful places in your amazing country.
Best wishes!
Milena and Mark

Thanks for an amazing week. We had the best food ever and I am gonna miss it for sure! Had a great holiday!!!
All the best,

You guys really blew all of our expectations out of the water with this trip. The things we got to see and do over this last week, have created long lasting memories for all of us.
All the delicious food each day, the incredible information and advice that we were given on each island made sure we got to make the most of everywhere we went.
I will be sure to be showing everyone I know the incredible photos of the crystal blue water, the playful dolphins, the perfect weather and the absolutely pimp yacht we got to spend out time on, lazing in the sun!
Hope you guys have an amazing summer, and I look forward to joining you guys again some time in the future for another adventure.
Dave (and I’m sure everyone else onboard too)


Athens, 6 June 2010
Dear Alicia and Thanos,

What a delightful surprise! So glad I let Reiner organize the holiday all from Internet surfing! Thank you for your warm welcome and all your kind attentions over the last week. We really feel we have found the best combination of great company, relaxed attitude and daily activities in the most beautiful place. All in all there is a strong risk that you will be seeing us again!!

Eleanor xxx (France) and Reiner (Germany)
P.S. 1 I hope everything will be fine with your new boat. Be assured you will be highly recommended in Paris! It was great.
P.S. 2 Try the ‘Booze Cooperative’ in Athens.

Athens, 6 June 2010
Thanos and Alicja,

I had a wonderful trip and I would love to do it again. Alicja made the most delicious lunches (I liked every single food she made, and she made a lot!).
Thanos impressed me with his ability to sail and he shows how much he loves to do it too. Thank you guys so much for everything! The experience I had was truly wonderful. I hope you guys have even more success with this trip for years to come!

Xanthi S. (USA)

Athens, 6 June 2010
Dear Thanos and Alicja,

Many thanks for an outstanding week of sailing, swim and great food. We made many memories that will warm our hearts during the next long, cold Moscow winter. You both are such delightful and hospitable hosts and this experience in Greece would not have been the same without you.
Best wishes for a successful 2010 season on Velos!

Heather and Kevin T. (USA via Moscow Russia!)

Athens, 29 May 2010
Thanos and Alicja,

Thank you so much for having us onboard for the inaugural cruise of the new boat! We were truly honored to spend the week on it (and learning all about how to sail it!).

Because we do not often get to spend a whole week away together, each trip must be special. This one definitely was. We appreciated the great cooking and teaching patience like everyone else, but we also had a good look at what is important and valuable in life.
Thank you again for sharing your time with us. We won’t forget it any time soon.

Best of luck with the new boat for the 2010 season!
Ben and Abby P. (Texas, USA)

Athens, 23 May 2010
Thanos and Alicja,

Thank you so much for such a wonderful holiday, with such a vast array of weather! You made our honeymoon an unforgettable experience and we look forward to seeing you again in another 5-10 years! :)
I’m sure by then you will have sorted out any kinks that may appear on the new boat.

We wish you many happy sails!
Kathryn and Dan B. (Ottawa, Canada)

Athens, 23 May 2010
Thanos and Alicja,

What a wonderful week of sailing in the Saronic Gulf! So fun to have some good wind – but really enjoyed Alicja’s cuisine (can’t wait for that cookbook to be published!).
Thanos’ patience with Avery’s attempts to learn and speak some Greek, ‘ouzo time’ and Thanos’ ordering the food at the tavernas – along with visiting the islands.
It was thrilling to watch your new boat leave dry dock and enter the water. Hope to sail with you again someday.

Avery and Jeff W. (Colorado, USA)

Athens, 23 May 2010

Thank you again for another great week, this time in the Saronic. You called up a variety of weather for us to keep us entertained. Hydra was such a beautiful island, thank you for sharing it with us.

It was fantastic to see the new boat go in the water. She is beautiful and we will be back soon to sail on her.

Enjoy the starfish,
Deborah and Malcolm C. (USA by way of Kazakhstan)

Athens, 16 May 2010
Dear Thanos and Alicja,

Thank you for giving us the most magical week. Everyday brought new wonders and adventures. You have shown us how good life can be. We hope to return to sail with you again.

Best Regards,
Carolyn M. and Michael K. (USA)

Athens, 16 May 2010

Our second and third weeks in the water with Alicja and Thano, and our fond memories of our Ionian sail were met and exceeded by the variety and drama of the Cyclades. You both are marvelous hosts who have become deep friends.
Your knowledge of the sea, the islands, just the perfect cove for a swim, Alicja’s creativity in the galley and Thanassis’ calm hand on the wheel – not to mention evenings in tavernas – all add up to magic. We’ll be back…

Θα τα πούμε σε λίγο, ελπίζω… Καλό ταξίδι,
Wendy S. and John B. (USA)

Athens, 16 May 2010
Dear Thanos and Alicja,

We suspect that the incomplete entry above was begun by Wendy who cried for all of us when she left the boat yesterday! For all of us, because even those of us too shy to cry will ache as we walk down the dock, away from you two lovely people and the marvelous journey on which you've guided, and pampered us.
Unforgettable, you and the trip. Kathy and I will dream of our return!

Bill and Kathleen C. (USA)

Ios, 9 May 2010

We had a lovely time, enjoying your wonderful spirit and cheer and great food.

We'd love to return!
Merrill and Phoebe W. (USA)

Ios, 9 May 2010

Thank you for this wonderful trip – for me a return after 40 + years, for Tom the first visit, with more to come we hope.

You made it the best experience ever!
Sarah and Tom G. (USA)

Athens, 2 May 2010

I knew this would be a wonderful and memorable way to celebrate Skip's 60th birthday. However, I had no idea HOW AMAZING(!) this week would be! All expectations far exceeded by the fabulous Alicja and Thanos.

We plan to return again and again! Such wonderful people, wonderful food – Alicja is TRULY talented and a genius with all things edible :)
Every sight, every moment was memorable. We had exciting sailing, beautiful scenery, and wonderful company. In a word, FANTASTICO, SWIETNIE, KVELDECH!

Until next time!!!
Liz and Skip (USA)

Athens, 2 May 2010

Thanks for a great week with outstanding food. We loved the scenery, the company, the tavernas, the tentura (cinnamon liqueur). We especially appreciated your skill and the great personalities of both of you.

Tamie and Robin (USA)

Athens, 2 May 2010

What a way to start the season! Thanos and Alicja are the consummate hosts and teachers. We had no idea what to expect except that it would be an adventure!

The sailing was so exciting but at the same time relaxing – the very best way to see and appreciate Greece. Such beautiful, private lunch stops. And did we mention food? It couldn't have been better! Alicja knows how to entice the palate and delight the eye. It was a delicious introduction to the country. Better than many of the restaurants we tried!
Ya mas to you, Alicja!
Peter thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to sail the ship. He seized the moments when it was offered and relished his time behind the wheel. Thanos' patience – priceless!

As for myself, so many photo opportunities not to mention reading time and a chance to enjoy our hosts and meet new friends.
It has been an experience of a lifetime – one we would love to recreate in others islands with Thanos, Alicja and company.

Happy trails and safe returns
Gina and Peter (USA)


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ANKO YACHTING Ltd. ZAIMI 52, RIO 26 504, GREECE Thanos & Alicia Christopoulos
(0030) 6936 797 680