Guests' Reviews 2009 - S/Y Alexandros


Guest Book 2009
(on S/Y Alexandros with captain Thanos and hostess Alicia)

Corinth, 30 October 2009
Thanos & Alicia,

Yasas! Or should I say goodbye?
I really would rather stay, I have had a wonderful time, even though the weather wasn’t too great at the start and I was sick, but oh well, it’s all part of the experience, and what an experience this has been! I have loved every minute of it and would not have changed it!

Thanos, your ability to get us to each new and exotic location, through stormy seas will never cease to amaze me! Also, your jokes and stories, as well as magic has kept me entertained all week!
Alicia, your food is just incredible! I will miss your meals and your company.

You have such great stories and jokes and your amazement at ‘Magic Will’s’ tricks made me laugh.
Thank you both for a lovely week. I hope we can come again sometime! Preferably with better weather!

Thank you and all the best,
James H. (UK)

Had a great time. Hope to come again with more sun and warmer weather.
Thank you Thanos and Alicia
Magic Will (UK)

Corinth, 30 October 2009
Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you for a wonderful week. You made us feel relaxed and comfortable immediately, which was very nice of you.
We had a variety of weather which I enjoyed as it gave us different insight into your sailing life. Mixed in with Alicia’s great cooking.
It has been a great time! We have seen some lovely places, I loved Hydra, you have been great company and my 18 years old son does not want to go home. That says it all!!

Good luck and hope to see you again.
Roy H. (UK)

Corinth, 31 October 2009
Drodzy Alicjo i Thanassis,

Ileż przeżyć prawdziwych i jedynych w swoim rodzaju mieliśmy dzięki Wam! Thanassis czujnym okiem i odpowiedzialnością kapitana dbał o bezpieczeństwo wszystkich i wszystkiego na żaglówce, pięknym ‘Alexandrosie’! Dzięki serdecznie raz jeszcze! Ostatnia noc była jedyna i szczególna, gdzie sekundy były długie jak godziny. Ta noc dwóch kotwic, pięciu cum i Alicji z nożem pod łódką!
Życzymy Wam szczęśliwego powrotu do portu docelowego oraz pomyślnych wiatrów dziś i w przyszłości!

Lucyna (Poland)

Corinth, 31 October 2009
Liebe Gäste der Alexandros,

Acht Tage haben wir auf der Yacht verbracht, eine Erlebnisreise mit den vielfältigsten Eindrücken und Genüssen:
Wir erlebten die landschaftliche Schönheit griechischer Inseln, die kulturelle Vielfalt ihrer Bewohner und eine einzigartige Architektur, die von den Insulanern eine hohe Fertigkeit und Wissen abverlangt.

Besonders freuten wir uns über einen zusätzlichen Tag auf Hydra, deren Besonderheit als „verkehrsfreie Zone“ Nachahmer finden sollte. Neben den zahlreichen Eseln, Maultieren und Pferden prägten die Katzen das Ortsbild. Die zutraulichen Vierbeiner schienen wohl allesamt miteinander verwandt. Abends durften wir in den Tavernen von Ägina, Poros, Ermioni, Hydra und Agistri die reichen Genüsse der griechischen Küche kennen lernen.

Dass diese Reise, auf der es auch Einiges über die Kunst des Segelns zu lernen gab, zu einem so schönen und unvergesslichen Erlebnis wurde, verdanken wir unseren Gastgebern an Bord: Alicja und Thanassis! Stets freundlich und kompetent, fühlten wir uns bei ihnen bestens aufgehoben. Täglich durften wir Alicjas Kochkunst bewundern und Thanassis Segelkompetenz bestaunen.

Das Schönste war aber die tolle familiäre Atmosphäre, die selbst durch gelegentliche sintflutartige Regenfälle, starken Wind und Seekrankheit keine Sekunde getrübt wurde. Wir wünschen euch, Alicja und Thanassis, noch viele erfolgreiche Segeltörns – euch gilt unser Tausend Dank! Ihr seid ein Superteam!

Karl-Heinz und Lucyna (Germany)

Athens, 24 October 2009

Lots of interesting new experiences in the Cyclades, very enjoyable. Thanks Thanos for your expert and patient skippering and Alicia for the delicious food, always welcome; and both of you for the relaxing company. I’ll keep in touch.

Ian E., (Derbyshire, UK)

Athens, 23 October 2009 – rejs po Cykladach i Zatoce Sarońskiej
Alicja i Thanassi,

Właśnie minęły 2 tygodnie wspaniałej przygody, która niewątpliwie zapadnie w pamięć całej naszej załodze!
Było wszystko, co tylko można sobie wymarzyć; piękne wyspy i zatoki, podwodne krajobrazy i wspaniała pogoda i wszystko to okraszone niebagatelnymi doznaniami kulinarnymi serwowanymi przez Alicję.

Nawet 8 w skali Beauforta przegrywa z opanowaniem kapitana Thanassisa, nawet zerwana lina, czy zepsuty silnik nie są w stanie wyprowadzić Go z równowagi. (Nawet, gdy zginęła nam wycieraczka).
Pełni nadziei na przyszłość czekamy na kolejne wyprawy po innych akwenach, bez wątpienia na Alexandrosie!

Sebastian 'Hefajstos'
Lukasz 'Dionizos/Domestos'
Ania 'Afrodyta'
Ania 'Klepsydra'
Arkadiusz 'Perkins'

Athens, 10 October 2009
Alicja & Thanos,

After reading the other entries in this book I wish I could come up with something more original to say – but every guest has the same reaction! Alicja’s food is the BEST in Greece; Thanos is a captain extraordinaire. It has opened our eyes to the beauty of Greece, and to the vicious nature of it’s cats!

We’ll be back when you put together the Navarone trip!
Patti and Jim D., (Seattle, USA)

Athens, 10 October 2009

… Był sobie młody Grek, który nie chciał zwyczajnie przeżyć życia. Chciał zwiedzić świat i opłynąć go dookoła. Wszystko go cieszyło i chciał się tym dzielić.
Była też sobie młoda Polka, która marzyła o poznaniu świata i o żeglowaniu. Też ją wszystko radowało i chciała się tym dzielić z innymi.
I tak się stało, że ten młody Grek, kapitan jachtu spotkał tą młodą Polkę. I postanowili razem iść przez świat i spędzić niezwykłe życie. I odtąd gdzie się pojawili to radość i szczęście promieniowało od nich na innych. I inni wokoło też stają się szczęśliwsi. Żeglują po morzach. Warto ich spotkać. Nazywają się Thanassis i Alicja.

The End.
Tom i Stan (Poland)

Athens, 9 October 2009
Alicia & Thanos,

Seeing Greece for the 1st time on your boat was incredible! I can’t think of a better way. We’ll keep in touch. Thank you so much! (The tzatziki was incredible & the food was great!)

Peter & Sue B. (Canada)

Lefkas, 20 September 2009
Dear Alicia & Thanos,

Thank you so much for a wonderful week, excellent food (Alicia you are a marvel!) and your hospitality.
Thanos your sailing skills were first class especially berthing in tight places!
A holiday never to be forgotten – will do it again someday. Happy sailing!

Sandra & Daphne (UK)

Lefkas, 19 September 2009
Θανάση και Αλίτσια,

Σας ευχαριστώ για μια ακόμα αξέχαστη εβδομάδα στο σκάφος. Ελπίζω να το επαναλάβουμε και του χρόνου.

Βασίλης (Greece)

Lefkas, 19 September 2009
Аліція і Фанасій

Гарно дякуемо вам за відпочинок.Ми дуже гарно провели час.Все нам сподобалось.

Валенти і Люда (Ukraine)

Lefkas, 13 September 2009

This was an amazing trip! Absolutely an the TOP of my list! Perfect combination of relaxation and an amazing selection of things to see, do & eat! You two and what you do is truly special and unique. I wish you happiness and success!

Thank you so much. I’ll be sending more passengers your way.
Jamie F. (MI, USA)

Lefkas, 13 September 2009
Alicia and Thanos,

We had a wonderful time on our sailing trip with both of you. Best part of our trip by far. Very pleased that we were able to fill the last spot on such short notice. Thank you so much for everything. You come at high recommendations from me.

Take care,
Angela D. (USA)

Lefkas, 13 September 2009
Dear Alicia and Thanos,

We had a wonderful week sailing in the Ionian Sea. We will come back someday. You are a wonderful couple. We wish you all the best in your life.

Take care,
Isabel and Pedro (Portugal)

Lefkas, 13 September 2009
Dear Alicia and Thanos;

You are a very lovely couple, the perfect hostess and host, always making us feel comfortable and welcome. The food was wonderful and the sailing very nice. Thank you for giving us a great vacation.

We’ll be back!
Bruno and Patricia M. (USA)

13 September 2009
Dear Alicia & Thanos,

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
We had a marvelous time and we had become ‘one with the sea’! The sailing, swimming and lunches were all memorable as was your gracious hospitality! We’ll see you again…

Maxine & Mike M. (USA)

Lefkas, 6 September 2009
Dear Alicia (Alicius – see delicious) and Thanassis!

We are sorry to tell you that you won’t get rid of us because:
  1. If we finish the diet we want some good food to put weight again.
  2. When we stop feeling landsick we will need a trip again. We still have to try the ‘achinosalata’.
  3. If you take us on board again we promise to bring enough wine.
Thank you for the wonderful week and see you again in the BRANCA BAR!!!
Elisabeth & Rudi (Austria)
Ulli & Heimo (Austria)
Yorgos & Mirto (Greece)
Chrisilena (Greece)

Lefkas, 29 August 2009

Cały ten tydzień był niesamowity! Dziękujemy za tak miło spędzony czas. Opanowanie Kapitana i pozytywna energia Alicji to najwspanialsza składanka.

Dzięki Kapitanowi umiemy tańczyć ‘sirtaki’, a Jego cudowna żona zadbała o nasze podniebienia. Dopiero w połowie rejsu zorientowaliśmy się, że Kapitan Thanos to potomek Odyseusza i w genach ma żeglowanie; a Alicja to syrenka, którą złowił i pokochał, zresztą z wzajemnością. Ten swój czar mityczny wykorzystują dla zadowolenia swoich turystów – żeglarzy. I dlatego jest z nimi tak pięknie, tak sympatycznie, tak smacznie i niezapomnianie!

Za wszystko Wam dziękujemy KOCHANI LUDZIE MORZA. Po spotkaniu tak miłej pary pozytywnie ogląda się SWIAT. Mamy nadzieję na ponowne żeglowanie z Wami tej wersji będziemy się trzymać. ‘Navigare necessere est’ czyli ‘żeglowanie jest koniecznością’.

Z wielkim podziękowaniem załoga z Żywca i Lublina
Roma i Maciej G.
Gośka i Bogdan G.
Usia i Władysław J.
Jarek i Dziunia D. (Poland)

Lefkas, 16 August 2009

Thanks sooooo much for the most amazing holiday. It’s been the one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. Can’t wait to come back next year – all the beautiful sun, people and food!!! OOOoo and of course the shopping! :) You are a wonderful couple, wishing you all the best for the future. Thank you once again!
Katrina XXOO (Kiwi)

Thanks so much for the most amazing trip. This has been a great way to see the real Greece, and to see it with you and your yacht. It has been great! Thank you so much for letting us all spend our time with you. Let us all know if you come to New Zealand, I hope I can repay the hospitality you gave to us!
Jeremy & Amanda (New Zealand)

Alicia and Thanos – many thanks for your incredible hospitality over the last week. We have had an amazing time so relaxing, enjoying your beautiful islands. Your knowledge of the local area is outstanding - Alicia, your cooking is a real highlight! Good luck with the cookbook!
Capital (nightclub) was great fun… Though not looking forward to the bus!
Best wishes
Liz and Tim (NZ)

Lefkas, 10 August 2009
To Alicia and Thanos,

Thanks heaps for the amazing adventure!! Loved the experience!! Fantastic islands, sun, company and awesome food! Even being stung by a wasp wouldn’t get me down!! I love the fun and relaxed culture over here and have learnt many things. Sami was still my favorite place!! All that ouzo and Greek dancing I think. He he… :) Will definitely be coming back.
Thanks heaps (Efharisto). Cheers
Alese XOXO (NZ Baby)

Alicia & Thanos,
Thank you for everything. The trip was amazing and definitely felt like it was longer then a week. We will always have great memories, Simon sailing, snorkeling, jumping off rocks, the great recommendations of places to eat, drink and what to do on each island!! Always welcome to visit us when you get to NZ.
XXX Sally & Simon (New Zealand)
P.S. Loved the food!!

Alicia and Thanos
Thanks so much for an out of this world amazing experience. Loved snorkeling everyday. Food was lovely and your knowledge & tips on where to go was very much appreciated. Pity about me not getting over the wasps!
From Gemma NZer living in UK

Alicia and Thanos
Thank you for a fantastic experience. The cooking was divine, the sights amazing, the adventure one of the kind. We had a superb time and thank you very much for it. If ever in the UK stop for a cup of tea! We will fwd photos and music. Thanks for the sailing tuition!
Rochelle & Tom NZ’s living in the UK

Lefkas, 2 August 2009

Alicia and Captain Tom,
Everything about the tour was fantastic! Captain thank you for the sailing lessons, the more I learn the more I want to sail. Alicia you were very nice and informative, thanks for putting up with all my silly questions. And thank you for the amazing lunches, remember ‘Best Food Ever’! Please visit if you ever come to Toronto. Thank you very much,
John S. (Canada)

Alicia & Capitan Thanassis
Thank you for a great Family experience. You were kind and your knowledge of sailing comforting. Thank you also for giving our 5 year old a great experience that she’ll remember always. Remember you are welcome in our home anytime,wherever we are. Congrats on your marriage and good luck.
Thanassis, Jen & Nasia P. (USA)

Alicia and Captain,
You were great! I don’t really like boats but you made me have the best time ever! I loved all the islands and Alicia thank you for taking the urchin out of my foot :)
Captain thank you for letting me drive and finding me Internet :)
Katie (USA)

Alicia & Thanos
You were great. Thanks for swimming and saving me from the bee. Your lunches were excellent. You guys are great!! Thanks!
Michelle & Pete (USA)

Κάπτεν Θανάση και Alicia
Δύο φίλοι με όλη την παρέα μας περάσαμε μια εβδομάδα με κέφι και χαρά. Δεν θα ξεχάσω τις ωραίες παραλίες, τα μπάνια που κάναμε χωρίς να ξέρουμε κολύμπι, τα ωραία φαγητά της Alicia και τα μαθήματα του καπετάνιου. Μια ωραία εβδομάδα που δεν θα ξεχάσω ποτέ, με ωραία νησιά και ωραίους φίλους.
Με αγάπη,
Βάσω (Greece)

Lefkas, 26 July 2009
Thanassi and Alicia,

The sailing trip was a unique experience with lot’s of extraordinary adventures. Joy. Homemade food cooked by lovely Alicia, water pottering by Thanos ;), visiting turquoise seas, have philosophical chats over ouzo, enjoy the sunset with an always lovely group and skipper with Alicia.

Thank you very much!
Nansy x (Greece)

Lefkas, 26 July 2009
Dear Alicia and Thanassis

As our English is not very good to describe the wonderful week we spent with you at Alexandros, and around all beautiful places we have visited, we leave here some words in Portuguese:

Maria and Juao (Portugal)

Lefkas, 26 July 2009
Dear Alicja and Thanassis,

Now I know what Alicja meant when talking about ‘water paradise’ – Thank you a lot for a chance of sharing a piece of this paradise. Those holidays were the best I have had. Feeling so safe with Thanassis as a skipper – even with the waves so big – and feeling so comfortable under an excellent care of Alicja – that was great. Thank you for all. I hope to be back once again!

With love
Agnieszka & Dawid (Poland)

Lefkas, 26 July 2009
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you so much for hosting this wonderful sailing holiday! We came into this trip with high expectations from the glowing recommendations from David and your website, but this trip was above & beyond what we though it could be!
The lovely winds on the first few days from Meganisi to Kalamos and tacking from Sami to Fiskardo (I think) were so much fun and we’re so happy to have learned so much sailing from you!

Thanos was an excellent instructor and we hope to have many more trips!
Your wonderful hosting and Alicia’s fantastic culinary expertise topped off this great experience! We hope to go home and try to re-create the delicious recipes!

Thank you for an excellent trip!
Melody & Galen (New Jersey / New York, USA)

Lefkas, 19 July 2009
Thanos and Alicia

Thank you so much for a wonderful week’s sailing. We have learned so much and can now tell genoa from mainsail! You are both exceptional hosts and gave us an exceptional experience.
Look forward to Alicia’s book ‘Sea cooking in confined spaces’, reading the best of her great cooking.
Thanos - thanks for your patience with my Greek. Ya sou kie efharisto poli!

Henry & Maryon M. (UK)
P.S. Wonderful evenings too – great tavernas, music and dancing!

Lefkas, 19 July 2009

A wonderful experience, with very pleasant company. Hospitality, food, sights. A truly memorable time.

Angela (UK)

19 July 2009
Thanos and Alicia

Great cruise! I have learnt a lot, sailing, eating, swimming, flushing toilets etc. You are a well suited, happy couple who enjoy life and treat your ‘crew’ handsomely. I hope to see you again and will tell my friends what a ‘hot’ time we had!

John W. (UK)

19 July 2009

Μας προσφέρατε ένα ευχάριστο διάλειμα με πολύ κέφι και όμορφη παρέα, με λαχταριστά φαγητά και όμορφες παραλίες. Ωραίες αναμνήσεις που θα πάρουμε μαζί μας....

Να είστε πάντα καλά
Άκης - Ξένια (Greece)

Lefkas, 12 July 2009

Thank you both for a truly wonderful holiday. We have all had a fabulous time.

Love from the Ws (+ Paul)

Lefkas, 4 July 2009
Droga Alicjo i Thanos!

Bardzo dziękujemy Wam za wspaniałą przygodę pod żaglami, którą dzięki Wam mogliśmy przez ten tydzień przeżyć. Doskonała atmosfera, którą nam stworzyliście, uzupełniona świetną kuchnią Alicji i piękną pogodą - pozostanie na zawsze w naszej pamięci.

Dzięki Wam poznaliśmy zupełnie inną Grecję. Na pewno jeszcze tutaj kiedyś wrócimy. A Wam życzymy realizacji Waszych marze i dużo, dużo wesołych klientów!

Zbyszek, Lucyna i Natalia O.
Ania i Wojtek
Robert, Justynka, Adam i Przemek (Poland)

Lefkas, 28 June 2009

Co tu dużo pisać: Było ‘DUPNIE’! = SUPEROWO!
Przyjedziemy za rok, napiszemy więcej i wkleimy zdjęcie.
Ogarowcy – psiarze z polski

Kasia i Tomek
Biba i Rafał (Poland)

Lefkas, 28 June 2009
Dear Thanos and Alicia,

Thank you both for a wonderful week. We really enjoyed your hospitality, the fantastic lunches, beautiful secluded bays and your great recommendations for walks, swims and dinner. Thank you for sharing your beautiful yacht with us – you obviously take great pride in her and it shows!

Dev & Nancy H. (North Vancouver, Canada)

Lefkas, 28 June 2009

What an incredible holiday! I cannot remember how long it has been since we boarded in Athens, and I wish it wasn’t almost over. Your hospitality is outstanding, we truly feel we have new friends. I enjoyed the night sailing and the crossing was better than we expected.

Thanks for arranging all types of weather, sun, wind and rain. The ports were great to visit and Thanos you always know the best tavernas with the best food. Especially roast lamb at Georges’s, Gyros on Ithaka and the Old Store taverna. It is a good thing we always ate supper late because we were full from Alicja’s delicious lunches. Thank you for sharing your passion with us.

We are already planning on being back next year.
Malcolm and Deborah C. (USA by way of Libya)

Lefkas, 20 June 2009
Alicja and Thanos,

Wow! Wow! It had been a really hard ten weeks in Iraq before I arrived at the yacht on June 13. I was tired, worn out and so in need of a break and you gave me everything I needed. It was relaxing, fun, at times exciting and always an adventure.

The best – the food (your food & swimming)
Funniest moment – when we almost lost Juliette
Best desert moment – Baclava on Kalamos
Most incredible swim – the bay on the way to Kalamos
Best snorkeling – Scorpios
Best meal – anything Alicja’s cooked!
Best sea creature – the dolphins
Saddest moment – leaving the boat on Lefkas
I just can’t thank you enough. I feel refreshed and ready to face next nine weeks.

Thanks for everything
Tiana (USA – Iraq)

*** You can read Tiana's description of the cruise in her blog (at httpss://tianatozer.wordpress.com/2009/06/) ***

19 June 2009

Thank you so much for making our holiday so memorable. The swimming, eating and sailing were so much fun. I definitely want to come back in a few years to explore the other parts of Greece. Thanks for being such amazing hosts! We’ll recommend you to all our mates!

Thanks again.
Nicole F. and Juliette M. (Australia)

Athens, 12 June 2009

Z dalekiego Colorado transformacja w wilków morskich przyszła nam niespodziewanie łatwo dzięki uśmiechowi Alicji i profesjonalizmowi Thanosa. Później już wiatr, słońce i urok kolejnych wysp dokonały reszty.

Jednak bogowie Grecji starożytnej mieli rację wybierając to miejsce na raj na ziemi. Zaproszenie w Góry Skaliste jest dla Was zawsze otwarte

Mi casa .. Su casa.
Tomasz i Dorota S. (USA, Colorado)

Athens, 31 May 2009 (Cyclades cruise)
Dear Thanos and Alicja,

I knew from when researching this holiday and our emails that our sailing trip with you would be a trip to remember. It was a perfect trip. Your warmth of character and amazing considerate host skills made us all feel at home on your boat.

Thanos, your knowledge of sailing and ease at teaching was a welcome advantage while making us feel safe at sea.
Alicja, I wish I had your cooking skills. I know all of us were excited for our delicious home made Greek meals every single day.
Both your stories and conversations was very much enjoyed. The Greek Islands were even more beautiful than I could have imagined, thanks to sharing your knowledge and secret tips of the areas.

I will fondly remember seeing Dolphins, swimming in the middle of the sea and trying to keep up with the boat, sailing to Poros from Serifos with the sun rising, Greek dancing (taught by Greek women from Athens) in the main street of Sifnos. Barry will remember all the sailing experiences and the many different Gyros he tasted at each island!
Thank you for making this such a special trip for the both of us. We will stay in touch and hope to join you again in the future to explore another area of the Greek Islands.

Josdalyne and Barry (Ottawa, Canada)

Athens, 31 May 2009 (Cyclades cruise)

Dear Thanos and Alicja,
When Jos told me about this trip – it sounded just perfect – sitting on the deck, drinking wine, seeing beautiful islands. Then on Day 2 reality struck after taking Gravol and sleeping 16 hours. Soon after, the trip shaped up to be all I expected and more – great sights, new drinks, amazing food and most importantly – wonderful company. Thanks for making it a great trip!
Shankar S. (Toronto, Canada)

Alicja and Thanos,
Thank you so much for such a wonderful trip. It was an incredible 10 days I will not forget. Thank you for a great trip.
Rohit A. (Ottawa, Canada)

Athens, 31 May 2009 (Cyclades cruise)
Dear Alicja and Thanos,

Thank you very much for an absolutely amazing time!
I am perfectly sure that this has been one of the best vacations that I’ve been on! Combination of sailing, tanning :), swimming in beautiful hidden bays and exploring different Islands was exactly what I needed. I really enjoyed getting to know both of you and really appreciate your kindness & hospitality towards us.

Alicia,your cooking was absolutely delicious and I will try to recreate some of your wonderful creations :)
Please let me know if you’re ever in Toronto and I would love to host you guys :)

Please stay in touch!
Julia (Toronto, Canada)

Athens, 31 May 2009 (Cyclades cruise)
Alicia & Thanos,

Thanks for such a fabulous time on the water. This sailing trip was so different from any other trip that we’ve been on. We loved the experience of sailing, swimming, eating and exploring. You two are wonderful hosts and you made us feel so welcome.
Alicia, thanks for your delicious meals. It will be nice to try to make some of those dishes back home.
Thanos, thanks for your sailing lessons.

Thanks again for such a memorable trip.
Lyndsey & Greg (Stratford, Canada)

Athens, 21 May 2009 (Cyclades cruise)
Thanos and Alicia,

We were looking forward to this trip for a while and now very sad to go home! From no wind and still waters to force 8 and 5 meters waves, it was quite an adventure – and one we would do again. The islands are beautiful, but it was the journey (with great company!) that made it the most fun. It certainly went by too fast, but will hopefully take the trip again.

You both make such a wonderful couple – have safe and fun travels in your lives together. We felt very welcome in your home. Let us know if you ever make the journey together across the Atlantic, and Alicia, I would be very happy to have you write a recipe book of all your delicious food!

Thank you for the memories we will never forget. The world is so peaceful at sea, even when the winds don’t cooperate. It is something everyone should experience. Thank you for sharing your home, food, stories, and the sea!

Hope to see you again,
Jennifer and Vincent (USA)

Athens, 17 May 2009 (Cyclades cruise)
Thanos and Alicia,

What a wonderful week!
With Thanos expert sailing and Alicja’s expert cooking and both of your wonderful story-telling, (plus scooters, chasing dogs, crazy donkeys and so many piles of rock!) We have incredible memories of this unique trip. We can’t wait to do it again. Hope to see you in Rhodes! Best wishes and thank you!

Do zobaczenia!
Ewa and James (USA)

Athens, 9 May 2009 (Cyclades)
Alu i Thanassis!

Naprawdę nie wiemy, jak Wam podziękować za super rejs. Mieliśmy bardzo dużo radości z każdej chwili, którą spędziliśmy z Wami.
Dzięki Wam i Waszemu doświadczeniu mogliśmy poznać piękne Cyklady i wspaniały rodzaj spędzania wakacji. Jeszcze raz wielkie dzięki, na pewno popłyniemy z Wami na Morze Jońskie.

Gosia i Krzysiek (Poland)

Athens, 8 May 2009 (Cyclades)

Serdeczne podziękowania dla Alicji i Thanassisa za wspaniałe dwa tygodnie na łódce. Było nam wspaniale! Tylko dzięki Wam mój pierwszy raz na łódce i Maćka kolejne doświadczenia były tak udane, pomimo niekiedy ekstremalnych warunków.

Alicjo! Gotujesz i podejmujesz gości wspaniale, stworzyłaś cudowną atmosferę!
Thanassis! We felt so secure with you and had a lot of fun thanks to your jokes/quiz.

Thank you both. Hope to see you soon in Wrocław
Gosia i Maciek W. (Poland)

Athens, 9 May 2009 (Cyclades)
Ala i Thanassis,

Dziękujemy Wam bardzo za wspaniały rejs wypełniony przygodami i jeszcze po raz któryś w życiu uczący, że można się wszystkiego spodziewać, gdy ma się do czynienia z naturą.

Cudowna Grecja, cudowne Cyklady, cudowna atmosfera i cudownych dwoje młodych ludzi, którzy stworzyli cudowne wakacje wypełnione spokojem, bezpieczeństwem ahhha! I oczywiście ciepłem i wspaniałą kuchnią.

Alu, możesz być z siebie bardzo dumna! Wspaniale to wszystko opanowałaś.
Thanassis, you are like a rock of peace. Thank you very much for the safe cruise.

Good luck to you both
Gosia & Irek W. (Canada)


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